People Who Stay Driven to Be Successful as They Get Older Usually Display These 8 Behaviors

People Who Stay Driven to Be Successful as They Get Older Usually Display These 8 Behaviors

Getting older can be a time of significant change and challenge. But it also presents an opportunity to redefine what success and fulfillment mean to us. While our abilities may shift as we age, our drive to lead meaningful, purposeful lives doesn’t have to wane. Research points to several key behaviors that people who stay motivated and successful in their older years tend to display.

By understanding and incorporating these practices into our lives, we can unlock the potential for a gratifying and fruitful next chapter, regardless of what number we turn on our next birthday.

1. Keep Moving, Keep Thriving

Want to know one of the most powerful predictors of successful aging? Look no further than how much you move your body. Regular physical activity, whether a daily walk around the block, a swim at the local pool, or a strengthening class, works wonders for the body and mind as we age.

Exercise enhances cognitive function, elevates mood, and lowers the risk of many chronic diseases that can compromise our independence. So find a way of moving that brings you joy and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Your future self will thank you.

2. Nurture Your Social Circle

As social beings, the connections we cultivate play a massive role in our well-being, especially as we age. Positive relationships with family, friends, and loved ones offer an invaluable source of emotional support, helping alleviate stress and fostering feelings of belonging.

Those who age successfully prioritize maintaining and strengthening these social bonds. They make time for the people who matter most, even as life gets busy. So send that text, make that call, plan that get-together. Investing in your relationships is investing in your happiness and resilience for the future.

3. Treat Your Body Like a Temple

Successful aging isn’t just about lifespan; it’s about healthspan – the years we spend in good health. And our everyday choices around lifestyle behaviors have an enormous impact on this. Beyond exercise, this means nourishing your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods, aiming for sufficient restorative sleep each night, and bidding farewell to habits like smoking or excessive drinking that can sabotage health.

Building and sustaining these health-promoting habits lays the foundation for vitality and independence in our later years. It’s a gift to ourselves that keeps on giving.

4. Never Stop Learning

One of the most exciting findings in aging research is the power of lifelong learning to keep our minds sharp. Continuing to engage in mentally stimulating activities and novel challenges encourages our brains to forge new neural pathways even as we get older.

This could mean taking up a musical instrument, diving into a new language, exploring a different hobby, or simply reading about a topic you’re curious about. The key is to embrace a beginner’s mindset and push yourself outside your comfort zone. An ever-expanding perspective is a fountain of youth for the brain.

5. Find Your Calm

Let’s face it: life can be stressful at any age. But how we respond to and cope with this stress takes on greater importance as we get older since chronic stress can undermine both mental and physical health.

That’s why effective stress management is a common thread among successful agers. Many find solace and equilibrium through meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, or engaging in enjoyable pastimes that induce a relaxed state. Experiment to find the stress-busting strategies that resonate most with you. Moments of calm amidst the chaos are essential for a balanced mind and body.

6. Believe in Your Worth

Our beliefs about ourselves shape our experience of the world, and this is especially true as we navigate the changes that come with aging. Research shows a strong link between positive self-image – self-assurance, self-acceptance, and belief in one’s abilities – and successful aging.

Maintaining this self-esteem is vital, allowing us to approach age-related shifts and challenges with resilience and adaptability rather than resignation. So, practice catching your self-talk, questioning limiting beliefs, and reminding yourself of your intrinsic value and capabilities. Embracing yourself as you are in each moment while still striving for growth is a powerful act of self-compassion.

7. Live with Purpose

A life well lived at any stage involves a sense of meaning and direction. Successful adults often attribute their drive to the fulfilling goals they set and work towards, whether in their personal development, career, family, or community.

These big and small aspirations serve as a north star, igniting motivation and providing a rich sense of purpose. To tap into this energy, reflect on what matters most and where you’d like to make an impact. Then, break it down into actionable steps you can start implementing. Know that your goals may evolve, and that’s okay. What’s important is reaching for what sparks inspiration and makes you feel alive.

8. Embrace the Only Constant: Change

Perhaps the most critical behavior linked to successful aging is the ability to adapt to change. As we age, change is inevitable – in our bodies, roles, relationships, and the world around us. Resisting this reality only creates suffering.

Successful agers have learned to meet these changes openly, viewing them as opportunities for growth and new possibilities rather than threats. They draw on their inner resources to find creative solutions and silver linings. This flexible, open mindset is something we can all practice. The next time you face a change or challenge, ask yourself: What is this here to teach me? How can I respond in a way that best serves my well-being? Remember, your resilience is a renewable resource.

Case Study: Sandy’s Successful Aging Journey

Sandy, a retired librarian, embraced the opportunities that came with aging. She stayed active by joining a walking group and attending yoga classes while maintaining a balanced diet and prioritizing sleep. Sandy’s love for learning led her to enroll in online courses and volunteer at a local literacy program, keeping her mind sharp and giving her a sense of purpose.

Despite facing challenges, Sandy approached them with resilience and a positive outlook. She surrounded herself with supportive friends and family, openly shared her feelings, and sought help when needed.

By focusing on her strengths, setting meaningful goals, and embracing adaptability, Sandy discovered that aging could be a time of incredible personal growth and fulfillment. Her story inspires others and demonstrates that successful aging is within reach for anyone willing to embrace the right mindset and behaviors.

Key Takeaways

  • Successful aging involves staying motivated and purposeful, regardless of age-related changes.
  • Physical activity enhances cognitive function and mood and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Strong social relationships provide emotional support, reduce stress, and contribute to a sense of belonging.
  • Making healthy lifestyle choices promotes vitality and independence in later years.
  • Lifelong learning helps maintain cognitive function and mental sharpness.
  • Effective stress management is crucial for overall well-being and resilience.
  • Positive self-image and self-esteem contribute to adaptability and resilience in the face of age-related changes.
  • Setting and working towards meaningful goals provides motivation and a sense of purpose.
  • Embracing change with a flexible mindset allows for personal growth and finding new possibilities.
  • Successful aging is about making the most of one’s time, growing, and shaping one’s experiences with intention, patience, and self-compassion.


Successful aging isn’t about defying time or achieving some externally defined pinnacle. It’s about making the most of our precious time, in whatever form that takes for each of us. It’s about recognizing that with intention, patience, and self-compassion, we can shape our experience at every stage and continue growing into the fullest expression of ourselves. By bringing these eight practices to life in a way that feels authentic to you, you’ll be well on your way to your next unique and fulfilling chapter.