9 Things Happy People Do Before 8 Am, According to Psychology

9 Things Happy People Do Before 8 Am, According to Psychology

Mornings set the tone for the day, and happy people understand the importance of starting their day on the right foot. According to psychology, there are nine essential habits that joyful individuals tend to incorporate into their morning routines before 8 a.m. By adopting these practices, you, too, can experience increased happiness and productivity throughout your day.

1. Embrace the Early Hours

One of the most common traits among happy people is their tendency to wake up early. By rising with the sun, they allow themselves a calm and unrushed morning, free from the stress and chaos that often accompanies the later hours. This extra time provides an opportunity to engage in activities that promote a positive mindset and set the stage for a successful day.

2. Resist the Snooze Button

While hitting the snooze button and stealing a few extra minutes of sleep may be tempting, happy individuals know better. Repeatedly snoozing disrupts the sleep cycle and can lead to feelings of grogginess and sluggishness. Instead, they habitually wake up at the first alarm, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule that leaves them feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

3. Hydrate for Health

Happy people understand the importance of hydration for overall health and well-being. By drinking water first thing in the morning, they kickstart their metabolism, flush out toxins, and rehydrate their bodies after a night’s sleep. This simple habit can work wonders for energy levels and mood, setting the stage for a more positive and productive day.

4. Breathe in the Fresh Air

Spending time outdoors or simply opening a window to let in the fresh air can profoundly impact mental well-being. Happy individuals get some exposure to natural light and fresh air each morning, as it helps regulate the body’s internal clock and enhance mood and alertness.

5. Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for increasing happiness; joyful people know it. By taking a few moments each morning to reflect on what they are thankful for, they cultivate a positive outlook on life that carries them through the day. Whether appreciating a loved one, a beautiful sunrise, or a simple pleasure, practicing gratitude sets the tone for a more contented and fulfilling life.

6. Get Moving

Exercise is a well-known mood booster; happy people prioritize it in their morning routines. Whether it’s a full workout, a brisk walk, or gentle yoga, engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes overall well-being. By moving their bodies early in the day, they set themselves up for increased energy and positivity.

7. Fuel Up with a Nutritious Breakfast

Happy individuals understand the importance of starting the day with a healthy breakfast. By choosing energy-boosting foods rich in nutrients, such as fruits, whole grains, and protein, they provide their bodies and minds with the fuel needed to perform at their best. This practice enhances concentration and productivity and contributes to a more stable and positive mood throughout the day.

8. Plan with Purpose

Organization and intentionality are critical components of a happy life, and joyful people know it. By using their mornings to review their to-do lists, set clear goals, and prioritize tasks, they create a sense of purpose and direction for the day ahead. This practice boosts productivity and provides a sense of accomplishment and control, contributing to overall happiness and satisfaction.

9. Find Peace in Mindfulness

Finally, happy individuals often incorporate meditation or mindfulness into their morning routines. By quieting the mind, focusing on the present moment, and cultivating self-awareness, they reduce stress, increase emotional resilience, and promote a sense of inner peace. This practice sets a calm and centered tone for the day, allowing them to approach challenges with greater clarity and composure.

Case Study: Greg’s Journey to a Happier Life Through Morning Routines

Greg, a busy accountant, felt overwhelmed and unfulfilled despite his successful career. He often woke up feeling groggy and rushed, which set a negative tone for the rest of his day. Recognizing the need for change, Greg researched the habits of happy and productive people.

Inspired by what he learned, Greg began to implement a new morning routine. He started by setting his alarm an hour earlier and resisting the urge to hit the snooze button. Instead, he used this extra time to drink a glass of water, step outside for some fresh air, and practice gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of his life.

Next, Greg incorporated physical activity into his mornings. He alternated between yoga and jogging, finding that the endorphins released during exercise improved his mood and energy levels. He also fueled his body with a nutritious breakfast, opting for meals rich in whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins.

Finally, Greg dedicated a few minutes each morning to planning his day and practicing mindfulness. By setting clear intentions and prioritizing tasks, he felt more in control and accomplished. The mindfulness exercises helped him reduce stress and approach challenges with a more evident, more focused mindset. After several weeks of adhering to his new morning routine, Greg noticed a significant improvement in his overall happiness and productivity at work and in his personal life.

Key Takeaways

  • Happy people tend to incorporate nine scientifically-backed habits into their morning routines before 8 a.m.
  • Waking up early allows for a calm and unrushed morning, providing time for activities that promote a positive mindset.
  • Resisting the snooze button helps maintain a consistent sleep schedule and ensures a more refreshing start to the day.
  • Drinking water first thing in the morning kickstarts the metabolism, flushes out toxins, and rehydrates the body.
  • Spending time outdoors or opening a window for fresh air regulates the body’s internal clock, enhancing mood and alertness.
  • Practicing gratitude in the morning sets a positive tone for the entire day and fosters a more contented life.
  • Physical activity, such as a workout or walk, releases endorphins and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • A nutritious breakfast provides the necessary energy to start the day and improves concentration and performance.
  • Planning and setting clear intentions for the day boosts productivity and provides a sense of accomplishment and control.
  • Incorporating meditation or mindfulness practices into the morning routine reduces stress, increases self-awareness, and promotes emotional well-being.
  • By adopting these morning habits, individuals can experience increased happiness, productivity, and overall life satisfaction.


The morning habits of happy people are rooted in psychological principles that promote well-being, productivity, and overall life satisfaction. By incorporating these nine practices into your morning routine, you, too, can experience the transformative power of a positive start to the day. Remember, happiness is not a destination but a journey, and it begins with the choices you make and the habits you cultivate each morning.