How to Work Out Your Top 3 Personal Values

How to Work Out Your Top 3 Personal Values

Personal values are the North Star that guides us through life’s journey. They shape our actions, influence our emotions, and ultimately define us. When we live in alignment with our core values, we experience a deep sense of fulfillment and contentment. But what exactly are personal values, and how can we identify them?

Defining Personal Values

At their core, personal values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that we hold dear. They form the bedrock of our character and serve as a moral compass, helping us navigate the complexities of life. Our values determine what we deem essential, shaping our priorities and guiding our decision-making process.

Research has demonstrated the profound impact living by our values can have on our well-being. When our actions and choices align with our values, we experience greater life satisfaction, improved mental health, and enhanced decision-making abilities. Our values provide a roadmap to a more authentic and purposeful existence.

Discovering Your Top 3 Personal Values

Identifying your core values is a transformative process of self-discovery. It requires introspection, honesty, and a willingness to explore the depths of your being. Here are some steps to help you uncover your top 3 personal values:

1. Reflect on Defining Moments

Begin by reflecting on the significant experiences that have shaped your life. Think about moments when you felt profound happiness, pride, or fulfillment. These experiences often hold clues to your underlying values.

For example, feeling a deep sense of joy and connection while volunteering at a local charity might indicate that compassion and service are your core values. Similarly, if you felt most alive while learning a new skill or exploring a foreign culture, it could suggest that personal growth and adventure are central to your value system.

2. Map Your Life’s Journey

Plot key events, decisions, and turning points on a timeline to create a visual representation of your life’s journey. As you analyze these moments, look for patterns and recurring themes that might suggest your core values.

Perhaps you notice that many of your significant life choices involved taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. This could indicate that courage and resilience are guiding principles in your life. Or maybe your most meaningful relationships are characterized by deep, authentic connections, suggesting that honesty and vulnerability are essential values for you.

3. Seek Inspiration from Role Models

Another way to gain insight into your values is by considering the people you admire. Think about the individuals who have positively impacted your life, both personally and from afar. What qualities do they embody that resonate with you?

If you find yourself drawn to leaders who prioritize integrity and fairness, it might suggest that these are values you hold in high regard. Similarly, if you admire artists who push creative boundaries and challenge the status quo, it could indicate that innovation and self-expression are core values for you.

4. Utilize Assessment Tools

Various standardized measures, such as the Personal Values Assessment (PVA), can provide an objective evaluation of your value system. These tools can help you better understand the underlying motivations behind your actions and decisions.

While assessment tools can offer valuable insights, it’s important to remember that they are just one piece of the puzzle. Use them with self-reflection and real-world observations to paint a more comprehensive picture of your values.

5. Prioritize and Categorize

As you explore your values, you may find that many resonate with you. To gain clarity, group similar values together and prioritize them based on their importance to you. Consider which values are non-negotiable and which ones you want to compromise on in certain situations.

For example, if honesty and kindness are essential to you, but you find yourself in a situation where telling the truth might hurt someone’s feelings, which value would take precedence? By examining these hypothetical scenarios, you can better understand the hierarchy of your values.

6. Align Your Actions with Your Values

Once you’ve identified a set of potential values, it’s crucial to ensure that your daily behaviors and life choices align with them. Take an honest look at your actions and ask yourself if they truly reflect the values you claim to hold.

If your stated values do not match your behavior, this is an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. Are these your core values, or are other beliefs and principles driving your actions? By consistently aligning your choices with your values, you cultivate a sense of authenticity and integrity.

7. Focus on Your Top 3

While you may resonate with many values, narrowing your focus to your top 3 can provide a powerful sense of direction and purpose. These should be the values that consistently guide your decisions and behavior across all aspects of your life.

Your top 3 values are the non-negotiables, the principles you refuse to compromise on no matter the circumstances. They form the very essence of who you are and constantly remind you what truly matters to you.

Case Study: Ruth’s Journey to Authentic Living

Despite her successful career as a financial analyst, Ruth had always felt a nagging sense of discontent in her life. She often questioned the purpose and meaning behind her daily actions, wondering if there was more to life than just climbing the corporate ladder.

Determined to find answers, Ruth embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She began by reflecting on the moments when she felt most alive and fulfilled. Ruth realized that her happiest memories were tied to experiences of helping others, whether volunteering at a local animal shelter or mentoring young professionals in her field.

As Ruth delved deeper into her values, she discovered that compassion, service, and personal growth were at the core of her identity. With this newfound clarity, Ruth boldly decided to align her life with her values. She started by volunteering more regularly and seeking out opportunities to make a positive impact in her community.

Over time, Ruth’s actions began to transform her life. She found a renewed sense of purpose and joy in her daily activities, and her relationships deepened as she started living more authentically. While the journey wasn’t always easy, Ruth knew that she was paving the way for a more fulfilling and meaningful life by staying true to her values.

Key Takeaways

  • Personal values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our behavior and decision-making, serving as a moral compass.
  • Living aligned with our core values leads to greater life satisfaction, improved mental health, and better decision-making.
  • Identifying and clarifying our values is crucial for personal development and self-awareness.
  • Integrate your top 3 personal values into your daily life as a framework for decision-making, goal-setting, and conflict resolution.
  • Personal growth is an ongoing process, so regularly reflect on how well you’re living up to your values and identify areas for improvement.
  • Values can evolve, so periodically revisit identifying your core values to ensure they align with your current life stage and aspirations.
  • Living a values-driven life is about being true to yourself, honoring your unique path, and making choices that reflect your best self.


Discovering your top 3 personal values is a profound act of self-exploration. It requires courage, honesty, and a willingness to dive deep into the essence of who you are. By uncovering and living in alignment with your core values, you pave the way for a life of authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment. Values are not static. As you grow and evolve throughout life, so too may your values. Embrace this lifelong journey of self-discovery, and commit to regularly reassess and realign your values with your current stage of life.

Ultimately, living a values-driven life is about being true to yourself, honoring your unique path, and making choices that reflect your best self. Take the time to uncover your values, and let them be the guiding light that illuminates your way forward.