10 Simple Habits of the Average Millionaire, According to Dave Ramsey

10 Simple Habits of the Average Millionaire, According to Dave Ramsey

In a groundbreaking study, Ramsey Solutions surveyed 10,000 millionaires, uncovering surprising insights into how everyday people build wealth. This extensive research, known as The National Study of Millionaires, challenges common misconceptions about wealth accumulation.

Let’s explore the ten simple habits these millionaires credit for financial success. These habits offer a roadmap for anyone aspiring to build long-term wealth.

1. They’re Avid Readers

Millionaires prioritize continuous learning through reading. They favor books on leadership, personal development, and biographies over fleeting entertainment trends.

This habit reflects their commitment to self-improvement and gaining knowledge that can be applied to their financial and personal lives. For those looking to emulate this habit, consider starting with classics like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, or “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko.

These books offer valuable insights into wealth-building mindsets and strategies that have stood the test of time.

2. They Understand Delayed Gratification

The ability to postpone immediate pleasures for long-term gains is a cornerstone of millionaire behavior. This principle applies to major financial decisions as well as daily choices.

Millionaires often opt for modest homes, reliable used cars, and practical clothing instead of luxury items. By consistently choosing long-term financial health over short-term indulgences, they set themselves up for future success.

Practicing delayed gratification might mean preceding the latest smartphone model, cooking at home instead of dining out, or investing in your retirement account rather than splurging on a lavish vacation.

3. They Choose Their Relationships Wisely

The company you keep significantly influences your financial habits and overall success. Millionaires tend to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who share their values of hard work, financial responsibility, and continuous improvement.

They often seek out mentors and join groups to learn from and be inspired by others on similar paths. To apply this principle, consider joining local business networking groups, attending personal finance workshops, or finding a mentor in your field.

Building relationships with financially savvy individuals can provide motivation, accountability, and valuable insights on your wealth-building journey.

4. They Stay Away from Debt

Contrary to popular belief, most millionaires are debt-averse. They view debt as a hindrance to wealth accumulation rather than a tool for it.

Instead of relying on credit, they save for purchases and pay cash whenever possible. This approach extends to significant expenses like cars and even homes.

By avoiding interest payments and the stress associated with debt, millionaires free up more of their income for saving and investing. To adopt this habit, focus on paying off existing debts, starting with high-interest consumer debt. Then, commit to saving for purchases rather than using credit, and consider the actual cost of items when factoring in interest over time.

5. They Budget Consistently

Budgeting is a fundamental practice for millionaires, regardless of their net worth. They view their budget as a roadmap for their financial goals, helping them track income, expenses, and progress toward their objectives.

This habit ensures that every dollar has a purpose and prevents unnecessary spending. To implement effective budgeting, start by tracking monthly expenses to understand your spending patterns.

Then, create categories for essential expenses, savings, and discretionary spending. Review and adjust your budget regularly, and consider using budgeting apps or spreadsheets to simplify the process.

6. They Live Below Their Means

One of the most crucial habits of millionaires is consistently living below their means. This doesn’t necessarily mean extreme frugality, but they should choose to spend less than they earn.

Doing so creates a gap between income and expenses that can be directed toward savings and investments. This habit also includes maintaining an emergency fund to handle unexpected expenses without derailing long-term financial plans.

To adopt this lifestyle, critically evaluate your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back without significantly impacting your quality of life. Consider downsizing your home, reducing entertainment expenses, or finding more cost-effective ways to enjoy your hobbies.

7. They Drive Modest Vehicles Long-Term

The study revealed that millionaires often opt for practical, reliable vehicles rather than luxury brands. Many drive their cars for years, maximizing the value of their purchase and avoiding the rapid depreciation associated with new cars.

This approach frees up significant funds for investing and wealth-building. When shopping for a car, consider reliable models known for longevity and low maintenance costs.

Look for gently used vehicles that have already undergone the steepest part of their depreciation curve. Proper maintenance and care can extend your vehicle’s life, increasing this habit’s financial benefits.

8. They Invest in Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

A staggering 80% of millionaires surveyed invested in their company’s 401(k) plans, highlighting the importance of this wealth-building tool. These plans offer tax advantages, potential employer matching, and the power of compounding gains over time.

Consistent contributions to these accounts can lead to significant wealth accumulation over a career, even in small amounts. To maximize the benefits of employer-sponsored plans, contribute at least enough to receive the full employer match, if available.

Gradually increase your contributions over time, aiming to max out your annual allowance if possible. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to ensure your investment choices align with your long-term goals.

9. They Look for Multiple Income Streams

Many millionaires don’t rely solely on their primary job for income. They often pursue side gigs, invest in real estate, or start businesses to create additional revenue streams.

This entrepreneurial approach increases overall income and provides financial security through diversification. To develop multiple income streams, assess your skills and interests to identify potential side hustles or business opportunities.

Consider investing in dividend-paying stocks or rental properties for passive income. Remember to start small and scale up as you gain experience and confidence in managing multiple income sources.

10. They Practice Generosity

Surprisingly, generosity is a common trait among millionaires. Many view giving as essential to their financial plan, whether through charitable donations, supporting family members, or contributing to their communities.

This habit often aligns with their values and provides a sense of purpose beyond wealth accumulation. To incorporate giving into your financial life, identify causes or organizations aligning with your values.

Consider setting aside a percentage of your income for charitable giving. Explore various ways to give, such as donating money, volunteering time, or offering skills pro bono to non-profit organizations.


The path to millionaire status is paved with consistent, intentional habits rather than flashy lifestyles or high-risk financial moves. By adopting these ten habits – from continuous learning and wise relationship choices to prudent financial management and generosity – anyone can work towards building long-term wealth.

Becoming a millionaire is less about overnight success and more about making intelligent, consistent choices over time. Start implementing these habits today, and you’ll be on your way to financial success, regardless of your current income or background.