Why Home Prices Are Plummeting in These 6 Cities

Why Home Prices Are Plummeting in These 6 Cities

In the ever-changing US housing market, some cities have experienced significant declines in home prices over the past year. According to recent data from Realtor.com, six significant cities nationwide have seen notable drops in median list prices, offering potential opportunities for buyers looking to find more affordable options.

This article will explore the factors contributing to these price declines and what they mean for the local housing markets in Miami, Oklahoma City, Cincinnati, Kansas City, San Jose, and Portland.

1. Miami, FL: Pandemic Migration Reversal and Rising Insurance Costs

Miami’s housing market has been on a rollercoaster ride since the onset of the pandemic. Initially, the city experienced a surge in demand and prices as people from other states, particularly New York and California, migrated to the area in search of more space, lower taxes, more affordable real estate, and a warmer climate.

However, as the pandemic ended and remote work has become less prevalent, this trend has begun to reverse, contributing to the current price declines in Miami.

Another significant factor affecting Miami’s housing market is the rising insurance cost, especially for condominiums. In the wake of the tragic Surfside condo collapse in 2021, insurance premiums have skyrocketed, making it more expensive for buyers to purchase and own condos.

Florida condo owners are also being hit with massive special assessments, often from $10,000 to over $100,000 per unit depending on the size and age, to pay for required repairs and build up reserves mandated by new state laws passed after the deadly 2021 Surfside condo collapse.

This is causing many owners, especially in older buildings, to sell their units rather than pay the steep costs. As a result, condo inventory for sale in South Florida has more than doubled in the last year as owners dump their properties, can’t afford the surprise five—or six-figure assessments, or can’t find financing due to the buildings’ failing inspections.

This, combined with the slowing demand from out-of-state buyers, has decreased median home list prices. As of March 2024, the median list price in Miami was $550,000, representing an 8.2% year-over-year decline.

2. Oklahoma City, OK: Surge in Affordable Inventory Drags Down Median Prices

Oklahoma City has experienced a notable increase in the number of affordable homes for sale, which has led to a decrease in the overall median list price.

This surge in affordable inventory can be attributed to several factors, such as an increase in new construction of smaller, more budget-friendly homes or a growing number of sellers listing their cheaper properties.

As a result of this influx of affordable options, Oklahoma City’s median list price has dropped to $323,000 as of March 2024, a 7.4% decrease compared to the previous year.

While this may concern sellers, it presents an opportunity for buyers looking to enter the market at a more accessible price point.

3. Cincinnati, OH: Influx of Smaller, Cheaper Homes Impacts Market

Like Oklahoma City, Cincinnati has seen an influx of smaller, more affordable homes hit the market, bringing down the median list price.

This trend could be driven by various factors, such as changing demographics in the area or shifting economic conditions that have prompted sellers to list their more budget-friendly properties.

The impact of this influx is evident in Cincinnati’s current median list price, which stands at $337,000 as of March 2024, representing a 6.4% year-over-year decline.

While this may not be ideal for sellers hoping to capitalize on higher prices, it could be welcome news for buyers seeking more affordable options in Cincinnati.

4. Kansas City, MO: Affordable Listings Push Prices Downward

An increase in affordable listings has also affected Kansas City’s housing market, leading to a drop in median prices.

This trend could result from various factors, such as new developments focusing on more budget-friendly homes or changes in local housing preferences that have prompted sellers to list their cheaper properties.

As a result, Kansas City’s median list price has fallen to $421,000 as of March 2024, a 4.9% decrease compared to the previous year.

While this may concern sellers, it could present an opportunity for buyers looking to purchase a home in the Kansas City area at a more accessible price point.

5. Denver, CO: Rising Inventory and Affordability Concerns Contribute to Price Drops

In recent months, Denver, once a red-hot housing market, has seen a notable shift, with home prices falling and the number of available properties increasing. According to Realtor.com data, Denver’s median list price in March 2024 was $610,000, representing a 3.6% year-over-year decline.

This change in the market can be attributed to a combination of factors, including rising inventory levels and growing affordability concerns among potential buyers.

As more homes become available in the Denver area, buyers have more selection, which can lead to increased competition among sellers. This, in turn, may prompt some sellers to lower their prices to attract interest and secure a sale.

Additionally, the rising cost of living in Denver, coupled with the increasing affordability challenges many potential buyers face, has likely contributed to the cooling of the market.

While the Denver housing market remains relatively expensive compared to many other US cities, the recent price declines and increased inventory levels could present opportunities for buyers waiting for a more favorable market.

As with any real estate decision, it’s essential for both buyers and sellers in the Denver area to closely monitor local market conditions and work with experienced professionals to navigate the changing landscape.

The shifts in the Denver housing market remind us that even previously high-flying markets can experience slowdowns and price adjustments. As the US housing market evolves, buyers and sellers must stay informed about local trends and adapt their strategies accordingly.

6. San Jose, CA: Volatile Tech Industry Ties Affect Housing Demand

San Jose, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, has a housing market closely tied to the tech industry. In recent years, the tech sector has experienced significant volatility, with layoffs and economic uncertainty affecting housing demand and prices in the area.

As tech companies navigate the challenges posed by the current economic climate with massive industry layoffs, the housing market in San Jose has felt the impact.

The recent focus on artificial intelligence in the tech industry has also shaped the local housing market, with some buyers and sellers adjusting their strategies based on the potential implications of this technological shift.

Despite these challenges, San Jose remains one of the most expensive housing markets in the country, with a median list price of $1.367 million as of March 2024.

However, this represents a 2.3% year-over-year decline, indicating that even the highly-priced San Jose market is not immune to the broader trends affecting the US housing market.


The declining home prices in Miami, Oklahoma City, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Denver, and San Jose reflect the complex and often localized factors that shape the US housing market.

From the reversal of pandemic migration patterns and rising insurance costs in Miami to the influx of affordable inventory in Oklahoma City and Cincinnati, each city’s market is influenced by a unique set of circumstances.

As buyers and sellers navigate these changing conditions, it’s crucial to stay informed about local market trends and be prepared to adapt strategies as needed.

While declining prices may concern sellers, they can present opportunities for buyers looking to enter the market at a more accessible price point.

Ultimately, the US housing market remains a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, with local trends and conditions significantly shaping the experiences of buyers and sellers alike.

By understanding the factors contributing to these trends, buyers and sellers can make more informed decisions and better navigate the current market’s challenges and opportunities. [1]