10 Things the Rich Do (That The Poor Don’t)

10 Things the Rich Do (That The Poor Don’t)

Understanding the differences between the habits and mindsets of rich and poor people is crucial for anyone seeking financial success. By examining the key things that wealthy individuals do differently, you can gain valuable insights into improving your economic situation.

In this article, we’ll explore ten essential habits and mindsets that set the rich apart from the poor.

Keep reading for a deep dive into the ten things the rich do that the poor don’t do.

1. Believe in the Law of Income

Rich people firmly believe in the Law of Income, which states that their income is directly proportional to the value they deliver to the marketplace. They focus on creating high-value products or services that meet widespread needs.

In contrast, poor people often believe they should be paid based on the time they invest rather than the value they create. This mindset can limit their potential for financial growth.

2. Prioritize Reading and Continuous Learning

Wealthy individuals understand the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement and often prioritize reading to achieve this. Notable examples include Warren Buffett, who reads an astonishing 500 pages daily, and Bill Gates, who reads 50 books annually.

Rich people constantly expand their knowledge and skills by dedicating time to reading and learning. On the other hand, poor people may not prioritize reading and self-improvement, missing out on valuable growth opportunities.

3. Focus on Opportunities, Not Obstacles

One key difference between the rich and the poor is their outlook on life. Rich people tend to see opportunities, whereas others see obstacles. They maintain a positive outlook and are likelier to take calculated risks to pursue their goals.

This mindset allows them to capitalize on potential successes and learn from failures. Poor people, in contrast, may focus more on the potential for failure and avoid taking risks altogether, limiting their chances of achieving financial success.

4. Surround Themselves with Positive, Successful People

The wealthy recognize the importance of surrounding themselves with other successful and positive individuals. They cultivate social circles that provide motivation, support, and valuable connections.

Rich people can learn from their experiences, gain insights, and open doors to new opportunities by associating with like-minded people who have succeeded.

On the other hand, poor people may not make a concerted effort to build relationships with people who can help them grow, missing out on the benefits of a robust and supportive network.

5. Promote Their Skills, Ideas, and Value

Rich people are unafraid to promote their skills, ideas, and value to others. They understand the importance of self-promotion in achieving success and confidently communicate their worth.

Wealthier individuals can attract new opportunities and command higher compensation for their work by effectively showcasing their abilities and contributions.

Poor people may lack the confidence or understanding of how to promote themselves effectively, hindering their ability to advance in their careers or attract new business.

6. View Problems as Opportunities for Innovation

Wealthy individuals have a unique perspective on problems. Instead of seeing them as insurmountable obstacles, they view problems as opportunities to innovate and create solutions.

This mindset allows them to thrive in challenging situations and turn setbacks into stepping stones for success. Rich people can maintain a competitive edge by embracing problems as chances to learn, grow, and create value.

Poor people, however, may become overwhelmed by problems and view them as roadblocks, preventing them from moving forward.

7. Practice Financial Discipline and Live Within Their Means

Financial discipline is a hallmark of the wealthy. Rich people are disciplined about spending and try to live within their means. They prioritize saving and investing over spending on non-essential items, understanding that building wealth requires a long-term perspective.

Rich people can allocate more resources to achieving their financial goals by being mindful of their expenses and avoiding unnecessary debt. Poor people, in contrast, may struggle with impulse spending and living beyond their means, making it challenging to build a solid financial foundation.

8. Set Specific, Measurable Goals

Setting clear, specific, and measurable goals is another essential habit of the wealthy. Rich people take the time to define their objectives and create actionable plans to achieve them. They often write down their goals and review them regularly to stay motivated and on track.

Wealthier individuals can consistently progress toward their desired outcomes by breaking their goals into smaller, manageable steps. Poor people may lack clear goals or fail to plan for the long term, making it challenging to achieve financial success.

9. Cultivate Multiple Streams of Income

Wealthy people understand the importance of diversifying their income sources. They often have multiple income streams, such as investments, side businesses, or royalties, which help them build and maintain wealth over time.

By not relying on a single source of income, wealthy individuals can mitigate financial risks and create a more stable financial future. On the other hand, poor people typically depend on a single source of income, such as a job, which can leave them vulnerable to economic shifts or job loss.

10. Invest in Financial Literacy

Finally, wealthy individuals recognize the importance of financial literacy and invest time and resources in educating themselves about money management. They understand that making informed financial decisions is essential to building and preserving wealth.

Wealthy people often seek advice from financial experts and continuously expand their knowledge of investing, tax strategies, and wealth management techniques.

Poor people may lack financial education and make decisions that hinder their financial growth, such as failing to invest or not taking advantage of available financial tools and resources.


The habits and mindsets discussed in this blog post contribute significantly to the financial success of wealthy individuals.

By believing in the Law of Income, prioritizing continuous learning, focusing on opportunities, surrounding themselves with successful people, promoting their value, viewing problems as opportunities, practicing financial discipline, setting clear goals, cultivating multiple income streams, and investing in financial literacy, rich people set themselves apart from those who struggle financially.

By adopting these habits and mindsets and doing the needed work, anyone can improve their financial situation and achieve their wealth-building goals. Focus on these areas for personal improvement, and you’ll be well on your way to economic growth and success.