If You Want to Be Respected by Other People, Never Talk About These 11 Things

If You Want to Be Respected by Other People, Never Talk About These 11 Things

Respect is a fundamental human need. We all want to feel valued, appreciated, and acknowledged by those around us. While earning respect takes time and effort, losing it can happen instantly. The things you choose to talk about play a significant role in how others perceive you. To maintain and grow the respect you’ve earned, there are specific topics you should avoid discussing. In this article, we’ll explore 11 things you should never discuss if you want to be respected by others.

1. Your Financial Situation

Money is a sensitive subject for many people. Discussing your salary, debts, or investments can come across as tasteless or even boastful. People may interpret your financial disclosures as an attempt to showcase your wealth or make them feel inferior. Even if you’re struggling financially, constantly discussing your money troubles can make others uncomfortable and less likely to respect you. It’s best to keep your financial situation private and only discuss it with trusted confidants or professionals when necessary.

2. Intimate Details of Your Relationships

Your romantic relationships are a deeply personal matter. Sharing intimate details about your partner or relationship dynamics can erode trust and respect. Gossiping or complaining about your significant other may make others question your loyalty and discretion. If you’re facing challenges in your relationship, seek support from a therapist or close friends rather than airing your dirty laundry in public. By keeping your personal life private, you demonstrate maturity and self-respect, which in turn earns the respect of others.

3. Your Health Problems

While it’s essential to be open about your health when necessary, constantly discussing your ailments or medical procedures can be off-putting. People may start to view you as a complainer or attention-seeker. Limiting conversations about your health is best unless you’re confiding in close friends or family members. If you’re going through a severe health challenge, be selective about whom you share the details with. Remember that your health is personal, and not everyone needs to know the specifics.

4. Controversial Political Opinions

In today’s polarized political climate, discussing controversial political opinions can quickly turn heated and divisive. If you want to maintain respectful relationships with others, avoiding aggressive or combative political discussions is wise. Instead, focus on finding common ground and engaging in constructive dialogue. If you must discuss politics, do so with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different perspectives. Remember that your political views are just one aspect of who you are, and they shouldn’t define your interactions with others.

5. Religious Beliefs

Religion is a deeply personal and sensitive topic. Attempting to convert others to your religious beliefs or disparaging their faith can be highly disrespectful. If you want to be respected, respecting others’ religious views is essential, even if they differ from your own. Keep your religious practices private unless someone asks you about them directly. When discussing religion, do so with empathy, understanding, and a genuine interest in learning about others’ beliefs.

6. Negative Comments About Others’ Appearance

Negative comments about someone’s looks, weight, or physical attributes are a surefire way to lose respect. It reveals a shallow and judgmental attitude that most people find unappealing. Instead of focusing on someone’s appearance, concentrate on their inner qualities, such as kindness, intelligence, or sense of humor. By appreciating people for who they are rather than how they look, you demonstrate a level of maturity and respect that others will admire.

7. Unsolicited Advice

Giving advice can be helpful, but only when it’s asked for. Offering unsolicited advice, especially on personal matters, can be presumptuous and disrespectful. It implies that you think you know better than the other person and that they’re incapable of making their own decisions. If someone hasn’t explicitly asked for your opinion, it’s best to keep it to yourself. Trust that others have the wisdom and resources to navigate their lives and only offer guidance when requested.

8. Constant Complaints

No one enjoys being around someone who constantly complains. While it’s expected to vent occasionally, making a habit of it can drain others and diminish their respect for you. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your life, try to express gratitude for the good things. When discussing a problem, do so to find a solution rather than wallowing in self-pity. Maintaining a positive outlook will attract respect and admiration from those around you.

9. Offensive Jokes or Humor

Humor is a great way to bond with others, but being mindful of your audience is crucial. Offensive jokes or insensitive remarks can quickly alienate people and damage your reputation. Avoid humor that targets specific groups or relies on stereotypes. Instead, stick to jokes that are widely acceptable and inoffensive. If you’re unsure whether a joke is appropriate, err on the side of caution and keep it to yourself. Remember that respect is earned through considerate and inclusive behavior.

10. Your Accomplishments or Possessions

While being proud of your achievements and possessions is okay, constantly bragging about them can be off-putting. People may perceive your boasting as an attempt to elevate yourself above others or seek validation. Instead of continually discussing your successes, let your actions speak for themselves. Practice humility and focus on contributing to the well-being of others. When you share your accomplishments, do so in a way that inspires and uplifts rather than intimidates or alienates.

11. Confidential Information

Sharing confidential information is a surefire way to lose respect and trust. Whether it’s a friend’s secret or sensitive business information, keeping confidences is essential when someone trusts you with private details; they demonstrate a deep respect and faith in your discretion. Violating that trust can irreparably damage your relationships and reputation. If you’re unsure whether something is meant to be kept confidential, always err on the side of caution and keep it to yourself.

Case Study: Cameron’s Journey to Earning Respect as a Librarian

Cameron, a 32-year-old librarian, had always been passionate about his work. He loved helping patrons find the perfect book and creating a welcoming environment in the library. However, he often struggled to gain the respect of his colleagues and patrons. He noticed that his interactions with others were sometimes strained, and he couldn’t quite understand why. After some self-reflection, Cameron realized that he habitually discussed inappropriate topics at work, such as his financial struggles, relationship issues, and controversial political opinions.

Determined to make a change, Cameron started being more mindful of the topics he discussed at the library. He focused on engaging in positive, professional conversations showcasing his knowledge of literature and his dedication to helping patrons. Instead of complaining about his personal life, he expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work in a field he loved and for the support of his colleagues. He also consciously tried to avoid gossip and negative comments about others, instead highlighting their strengths and contributions to the library community.

As Cameron continued to be mindful of his conversations, he noticed a shift in how his colleagues and patrons perceived him. His coworkers started seeking his input on library initiatives and valued his opinions more. Patrons began to appreciate his friendly demeanor and dedication to providing excellent service. Cameron’s superiors took notice of his positive attitude and professionalism, leading to more responsibilities and opportunities for growth within the library system. Cameron’s relationships with his colleagues and patrons improved, and he felt a greater sense of belonging and respect within the library community.

Through this experience, Cameron learned that earning respect as a librarian goes beyond just being knowledgeable about books. It also involves being mindful of the topics you discuss and how you interact with others. By focusing on positive, professional conversations and treating colleagues and patrons with kindness and empathy, Cameron could transform his work relationships and earn the respect he had always desired in his role as a librarian.

Key Takeaways

  • Respect is a fundamental human need, and the things you choose to talk about can impact how others perceive you.
  • Avoid discussing your financial situation, as it can come across as tasteless or boastful.
  • Keep intimate details of your relationships private to maintain trust and respect.
  • Limit conversations about your health problems unless confiding in close friends or family members.
  • Avoid aggressive or divisive political discussions and focus on finding common ground.
  • Respect others’ religious views and keep your religious practices private unless asked.
  • Refrain from making negative comments about others’ appearance and focus on inner qualities instead.
  • Avoid giving unsolicited advice, and trust that others can make their own decisions.
  • Limit constant complaining, focus on positive aspects of your life, and express gratitude.
  • Be mindful of your audience and avoid offensive jokes or humor that targets specific groups.
  • Practice humility when discussing your accomplishments or possessions, and let your actions speak for themselves.
  • Respect others’ privacy and avoid sharing confidential information to maintain trust.
  • Earn respect by embodying the qualities you wish to see in others and treating people with kindness and empathy.


Earning and maintaining respect is a lifelong pursuit. By being mindful of the topics you discuss, you can cultivate a reputation as someone who is trustworthy, considerate, and respectful. Avoid talking about your financial situation, intimate relationship details, health problems, controversial political opinions, religious beliefs, and negative comments about others’ appearance. Refrain from offering unsolicited advice, constantly complaining, or making offensive jokes. Practice humility when it comes to your accomplishments and possessions, and always keep confidential information private.