7 Quirky Habits That Indicate an Unusually High Level of Intelligence

7 Quirky Habits That Indicate an Unusually High Level of Intelligence

Intelligence is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of abilities, from logical reasoning and problem-solving to creativity and emotional understanding. While intelligence is often measured through standardized tests and academic achievements, it can manifest in less conventional ways. Some of the most brilliant minds throughout history have been known for their quirky habits and unconventional approaches to life and work.

This article will examine seven of these unique habits and explore how they relate to intelligence. From the benefits of doodling and sketching to the power of solitude and introspection, we’ll discuss the science behind these quirky behaviors and discover how they can help unlock the full potential of the human mind.

1. Talking to Oneself

Contrary to popular belief, talking to oneself is not a sign of insanity. It can be a hallmark of high intelligence. When intelligent people engage in self-talk, they often work through complex problems, organize their thoughts, or rehearse important information. This habit helps them clarify their ideas and strengthen their memory. Famous geniuses like Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin were known for their self-talk habits.

2. Embracing Messy Workspaces

A cluttered desk might seem like a sign of disorganization, but it’s a catalyst for creativity and innovation for many intelligent people. Studies have shown that a messy environment can boost productivity and encourage unconventional thinking. The chaos of a cluttered workspace can help intelligent minds make unique connections and find inspiration in unexpected places. Mark Twain, Steve Jobs, and Albert Einstein had notoriously messy desks.

3. Constantly Doodling and Sketching

Doodling during meetings or lectures might seem like a sign of distraction, but it can be a powerful tool for enhancing focus and memory retention. When intelligent people doodle, they are often processing and organizing information in a visual way. This habit engages different brain parts and can lead to more creative problem-solving. Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks are filled with doodles and sketches that showcase his genius.

4. Being a Night Owl

Many highly intelligent people find their creativity and productivity peak during late night hours. Studies have suggested that night owls tend to have higher IQs than early birds. The quiet and solitude of the night can provide an ideal environment for deep thinking and creative exploration. Famous night owls include Barack Obama, Charles Darwin, and Marcel Proust.

5. Prolific Reading Habits

Reading is essential for expanding knowledge and vocabulary; highly intelligent people are often voracious readers. They consume books across various subjects, from science and history to literature and philosophy. Reading exposes them to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking, which can fuel their creative endeavors. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are all known for their extensive reading habits.

6. Embracing Solitude

While social interaction is essential, many intelligent people also value solitude. Time alone allows for reflection, introspection, and deep concentration. It provides a space for creative thinking and problem-solving without the outside world’s distractions. Brilliant minds like Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, and Frida Kahlo all prioritized solitude to fuel their intellectual and creative pursuits.

7. Engaging in Mental Exercises and Puzzles

Highly intelligent people often enjoy challenging their minds with puzzles and mental exercises. They might play chess, solve complex mathematical problems, or engage in philosophical debates. These activities provide mental stimulation and help keep their brains sharp and agile. Engaging in mentally challenging activities has been shown to promote neuroplasticity and may even help prevent cognitive decline later in life.

Case Study: The Quirky Habits of Byron

Byron, a 32-year-old astrophysicist, has always been known for his unique habits and brilliant mind. From a young age, he displayed an insatiable curiosity about the universe and a penchant for thinking outside the box.

One of Byron’s most noticeable quirks is his constant doodling. During meetings or lectures, he can often sketch intricate diagrams and equations in the margins of his notes. While seemingly random, these doodles usually lead to breakthroughs in his research. Byron’s colleagues have learned to recognize the signs of his impending “eureka” moments.

Another of Byron’s peculiar habits is his love of late-night work sessions. He finds his mind is most alive and creative in the quiet hours after midnight. His office is often the only one illuminated in the research center, as he works tirelessly on complex calculations and theoretical models. The solitude and stillness of the night allow him to think deeply and make connections that might elude him during the bustle of the day.

Despite his brilliance, Byron is known for his humble and reflective nature. He values time alone to contemplate the mysteries of the cosmos and his place in it. His colleagues often find him lost in thought, staring at the stars or scribbling ideas in his well-worn notebook. In these moments of solitude, Byron’s true genius shines through as he unravels the secrets of the universe one quirky habit at a time.

Key Takeaways

  • Talking to oneself is not a sign of insanity but can be a hallmark of high intelligence, as it helps clarify ideas and strengthen memory.
  • Embracing a messy workspace can boost productivity and encourage unconventional thinking by helping intelligent minds make unique connections.
  • Doodling and sketching can enhance focus and memory retention by engaging different brain parts and leading to more creative problem-solving.
  • Being a night owl is often associated with higher IQs, as the quiet and solitude of the night can provide an ideal environment for deep thinking and creative exploration.
  • Prolific reading habits expose intelligent people to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of thinking, fueling their creative endeavors.
  • Embracing solitude allows reflection, introspection, and deep concentration, providing creative thinking and problem-solving space.
  • Engaging in mental exercises and puzzles, such as chess or complex mathematical problems, provides mental stimulation and helps keep the brain sharp and agile.
  • Intelligence manifests in various ways, and everyone has unique strengths and habits.
  • Embracing one’s quirky habits can contribute to mental growth and creativity.
  • Incorporating some of these habits into daily routines may help individuals discover new levels of intelligence within themselves.


These seven quirky habits often show a brilliant and creative mind. From talking to oneself and embracing a messy workspace to reading voraciously and engaging in mental exercises, these habits showcase the unique ways brilliant minds operate. It’s important to remember that intelligence is not one-size-fits-all, and everyone has unique strengths and habits.

If you recognize some of these habits in yourself, embrace them! If you’re looking to boost your brainpower, try incorporating some of these habits into your daily routine. Who knows? You might discover a new level of intelligence within yourself.