6 Reasons to Stop Waiting for Approval from Everyone Else

6 Reasons to Stop Waiting for Approval from Everyone Else

In a world where social media likes, comments, and followers have become a measure of our worth, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly seeking approval from others. We post carefully curated images and thoughts, hoping for validation from our peers, family, and strangers. But this endless pursuit of external approval can harm our personal growth and happiness. It’s time to break free from the chains of approval-seeking and learn to trust ourselves.

Reason 1: The Authenticity Trap

When we base our actions and decisions on the approval of others, we risk losing touch with our true selves. We start to compromise our values, beliefs, and desires to fit in or please those around us. This can lead to a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction as we realize that we’ve been living someone else’s life instead of our own.

Take the story of Sarah, a talented artist who loved creating abstract paintings. When she shared her work with friends and family, she was met with confusion and criticism. They didn’t understand her art and suggested she paint more conventional subjects. Eager for their approval, Sarah put aside her passion and started creating the kind of art others wanted to see. But deep down, she knew she wasn’t being true to herself.

Reason 2: The Procrastination Pitfall

The fear of disapproval can be paralyzing, causing us to put off pursuing our goals and dreams. We might have a brilliant idea for a business or a burning desire to travel the world, but facing criticism or judgment from others holds us back. We tell ourselves we’ll start tomorrow, next week, or next year, waiting for the perfect moment when everyone will approve our choices.

But the truth is, that perfect moment may never come. Many successful individuals have had to take risks and face disapproval on their path to achievement. They understood that waiting for universal approval would only delay or prevent them from reaching their full potential.

Reason 3: The Impossibility of Pleasing Everyone

It’s a simple fact of life: you can’t please everyone. No matter what you do or say, someone will always disagree or disapprove. Trying to win the approval of every single person is an impossible task that will only leave you exhausted and unfulfilled.

Instead of striving for universal approval, focus on approving yourself. When you have a strong sense of self-worth and inner validation, the opinions of others become less important. You can decide based on what’s best for you rather than what will make others happy.

Reason 4: The Mental Health Struggle

Constantly seeking approval from others can take a toll on your mental health. When your self-worth is tied to external validation, you become vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. You might find yourself obsessing over what others think of you, comparing yourself to others, and feeling like you’re never good enough.

On the other hand, developing a solid sense of self-approval can be incredibly liberating. When you learn to trust your judgment and value your own opinion, you’ll be less likely to experience the negative mental health impacts of approval-seeking behavior.

Reason 5: The Relationship Strain

Approval-seeking behavior can also lead to unhealthy relationships and codependency. When you’re constantly looking for validation from others, you might find yourself attracted to toxic or manipulative individuals who use your need for approval to control you. You might also struggle to set boundaries and maintain a sense of independence in your relationships.

Learning to approve yourself can help you attract healthier, more balanced relationships. A strong sense of self makes you less likely to tolerate mistreatment or compromise your needs for others’ approval.

Reason 6: The Self-Trust Deficit

Relying on others’ approval can hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When you’re used to looking to others for guidance and validation, you might struggle to trust your judgment and make decisions independently. This can limit your personal and professional growth, as you’ll be less likely to take risks or think outside the box.

On the other hand, cultivating self-trust and self-reliance can have long-term benefits. When you learn to trust your instincts and make decisions based on your values and goals, you’ll be better equipped to handle challenges and navigate life’s ups and downs.

Case Study: Carmen Breaks Free

Carmen had always been a talented sculptor, but she found herself constantly seeking the approval of others in her artistic pursuits. She would create pieces that she thought would impress her peers and critics rather than following her creative instincts. This left her feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from her true passion.

One day, Carmen received a harsh critique from a renowned art critic who dismissed her work as unoriginal and lacking depth. This feedback sent her into a spiral of self-doubt and anxiety. She began questioning her abilities and wondered if she should give up on her dreams of becoming a successful artist.

However, after deep introspection, Carmen realized she had been relying too heavily on external validation. She decided to take a step back and reconnect with her authentic self. She started creating sculptures that resonated with her, regardless of what others might think.

As Carmen embraced her unique artistic voice, her work began to attract a new audience. People were drawn to the raw emotion and vulnerability in her pieces. She learned that by trusting herself and her creative instincts, she could create art that not only fulfilled her but also touched the lives of others. Carmen’s journey to self-approval transformed her artistic career and her overall sense of happiness and purpose.

Key Takeaways

  • Seeking constant approval from others can hinder personal growth and happiness.
  • Approval-seeking behavior can lead to a loss of authenticity, causing you to compromise your values and beliefs.
  • Waiting for approval can delay or prevent you from pursuing your goals due to fear of disapproval.
  • Obtaining approval from everyone is impossible, as it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to approve of your actions and decisions.
  • Relying on external approval can negatively impact your mental health, contributing to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
  • Approval-seeking can lead to unhealthy relationships and codependency, attracting toxic or manipulative individuals.
  • Learning to trust yourself and make decisions independently is a crucial life skill, as relying on others’ approval can hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Embracing your authentic self, pursuing your goals confidently, and learning to trust your judgment are vital to living a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
  • The opinions of others don’t define your worth; you have the power to approve of yourself and create the life you want.


Breaking free from the cycle of approval-seeking is a journey, but it’s worth taking. By embracing your authentic self, pursuing your goals with confidence, and learning to trust your judgment, you’ll be able to live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Remember, the opinions of others don’t define your worth. You can approve of yourself and create the life you want. So stop waiting for permission from everyone else, and start giving yourself the green light to be true to who you are.