8 Things Boomers Should Never Buy in Retirement

8 Things Boomers Should Never Buy in Retirement

Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, but it’s also a period when financial prudence is more critical than ever. As a Boomer, you’ve worked hard to build your nest egg, and now making intelligent decisions about your spending habits is crucial.

To help you navigate this new chapter, I’ve compiled a list of eight things that Boomers should never buy in retirement.

Boomers, Beware: Don’t Spend Your Money On These Things In Retirement

Here are eight things that Boomers should consider avoiding in retirement to ensure their finances remain stable and to make the most of their retirement years:

  1. Timeshares: They often have high initial costs and ongoing maintenance fees, and they can be difficult to resell.
  2. Expensive Vehicles: Luxury cars depreciate quickly and can lead to high maintenance and insurance costs.
  3. Large Homes: Downsizing can free up funds and reduce maintenance and utility costs. Buying a larger home makes no financial sense after your children have moved out.
  4. Excessive Insurance Policies: Evaluate the need for multiple or overlapping insurance policies that may not provide significant benefits.
  5. Costly Hobbies: Some hobbies can become financial drains; consider more affordable activities.
  6. Investment Scams: Be wary of high-return promises and unregulated investments targeting retirees.
  7. Expensive Travel Packages: Look for travel deals and discounts, as expensive packages may not always offer good value.
  8. Unnecessary Renovations: Avoid extensive home renovations unless they are essential or significantly enhance your quality of life.

Being mindful of these expenses can help ensure a more secure and enjoyable retirement.

Keep reading for a deeper look into why these are things boomers should not spend money on in retirement.

1. Timeshares: A Costly Trap with Little Return

Timeshares may seem attractive for securing a vacation spot, but they often come with high initial costs and ongoing maintenance fees. These expenses can quickly add up and strain your retirement budget.

Additionally, timeshares can be notoriously difficult to resell, leaving you with a financial burden and offering little return on investment. Instead of falling into the timeshare trap, consider alternative vacation options, such as renting properties or taking advantage of travel deals that offer more flexibility and value for your money.

2. Luxury Vehicles: Depreciating Assets with High Upkeep

While it may be tempting to splurge on a luxury vehicle in retirement, it’s important to remember that these cars come with a hefty price tag and rapid depreciation. When you drive a luxury car off the lot, its value begins to plummet, making it a poor investment for your retirement funds.

Moreover, luxury vehicles often require costly maintenance and have higher insurance premiums, further draining your budget. Instead, opt for more practical vehicle options prioritizing reliability, fuel efficiency, and affordability, ensuring your transportation needs are met without compromising your financial stability.

3. Upsizing Into Oversized Homes vs. Downsizing for Financial Freedom

As a Boomer, you may have an empty nest and more space than you need. While it may be tempting to hold onto your large family home, or worse, upgrade to an even bigger house, it can be a financial burden in retirement. Oversized homes have higher maintenance costs, property taxes, and utility bills, affecting retirement savings.

Downsizing to a smaller, more manageable home can free up funds and simplify your lifestyle. Embrace the benefits of a smaller living space, such as reduced cleaning and maintenance responsibilities, and use the extra funds to pursue your passions and enjoy your retirement to the fullest.

4. Redundant Insurance Policies: Streamline Your Coverage

In retirement, evaluating your insurance needs and streamlining your coverage is crucial to avoid unnecessary expenses. Having multiple or overlapping insurance policies can lead to redundant costs without providing significant additional benefits.

Take the time to review your existing policies, such as health, life, and homeowners insurance, and assess whether they still align with your current needs. Work with a trusted insurance professional to identify gaps in coverage and eliminate redundancies. By streamlining your insurance portfolio, you can ensure adequate protection while minimizing unnecessary costs.

5. Expensive Hobbies: Finding Fulfillment on a Budget

Retirement is a time to pursue your passions and explore fulfillment. Some hobbies can become financial drains if not cautiously approached. While engaging in activities that bring you joy is necessary, be mindful of the costs associated with expensive hobbies, such as collecting rare items, participating in costly sports, or frequently attending expensive events.

Instead, seek out affordable alternatives that still provide a sense of fulfillment. Explore local community centers, libraries, and parks for free or other fulfilling activities, join clubs or groups that align with your interests, and look for ways to enjoy your hobbies without breaking the bank.

6. Investment Scams: Protecting Your Nest Egg from Fraud

As a retiree, you may be a target for investment scams that promise high returns with little risk. Scammers often prey on the desire for financial security in retirement, using persuasive tactics to lure unsuspecting victims. Being vigilant and informed is crucial to protecting your hard-earned nest egg.

Be wary of unsolicited investment offers, particularly those that guarantee unrealistic returns or pressure you to make immediate decisions. Remember that if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick to reputable financial institutions and seek advice from licensed professionals before making significant investment decisions.

7. Overpriced Travel Packages: Savvy Adventuring for Less

Travel is a common aspiration for many retirees, but expensive travel packages can quickly deplete your retirement funds. While it’s tempting to opt for all-inclusive, luxury getaways, these packages often come with a premium price tag that may not offer the best value for your money.

Instead, become a savvy traveler by seeking deals and discounts that allow you to explore the world without overspending. Take advantage of off-season rates, consider alternative accommodations such as vacation rentals, and be flexible with your travel dates to secure the best prices.

Being an intelligent and resourceful traveler allows you to embark on memorable adventures while keeping your retirement budget in check.

8. Frivolous Home Renovations: Prioritizing Necessity over Luxury

As a Boomer, you may be tempted to undertake extensive home renovations to update your living space or accommodate your changing needs. However, it’s crucial to approach renovations critically and prioritize necessity over luxury.

While certain modifications, such as accessibility upgrades or essential repairs, may be warranted, avoid sinking your retirement funds into frivolous renovations that add little value to your home or quality of life.

Instead, focus on cost-effective updates that enhance your comfort and safety, such as installing smart home technology, updating lighting fixtures, or making minor cosmetic improvements. By being selective with your renovation projects, you can ensure that your retirement funds are allocated wisely.


Retirement is a time to enjoy the rewards of a lifetime of hard work, but it’s also a period when financial prudence is paramount. By avoiding these eight unnecessary purchases, Boomers can safeguard their retirement savings and ensure a more secure and fulfilling future.

The key to a successful retirement lies in making informed decisions, prioritizing your needs, and finding joy in the simple things. By embracing a mindful approach to spending, you can make the most of your golden years and live the retirement you’ve always dreamed of.