10 Things Boomers Should Consider Selling in Retirement

10 Things Boomers Should Consider Selling in Retirement

As Boomers enter retirement, many are looking for ways to simplify their lives and generate extra income. One effective strategy is to sell items that are no longer needed or used.

By doing so, retirees can declutter their homes, reduce expenses, and create a more manageable lifestyle. This article explains the best things for Boomers to sell to simplify their lives, raise money, and reduce costs in retirement.

Things Boomers Should Sell When Retiring

Here are ten things Boomers might consider selling in retirement to downsize and generate some extra income:

  1. Large Family Home: Downsizing to a smaller, more manageable home can reduce maintenance costs and free up equity.
  2. Second Property: Selling a vacation or rental home can provide a significant financial cushion and simplify asset management.
  3. Unused Vehicles: If you have more cars than needed, selling one can save on insurance, maintenance, and registration costs.
  4. Recreational Vehicles: Rarely used items like RVs, boats, or motorcycles can be sold to free up space and funds.
  5. Antiques and Collectibles: Valuable items that are no longer of interest can be sold to collectors or through auction houses.
  6. Jewelry: Unused or outdated jewelry, especially made from precious metals or stones, can be sold for a reasonable price.
  7. Furniture: Downsizing to a smaller home often means less space for large furniture pieces, which can be sold or donated.
  8. Electronics: Older gadgets and devices no longer in use can be sold or recycled.
  9. Clothing and Accessories: High-quality, gently used clothing and accessories can be sold through consignment shops or online platforms.
  10. Sports and Hobby Equipment: Equipment for sports or hobbies no longer pursued can be sold to those who will use it.

These steps can help simplify life in retirement and provide additional financial resources for new experiences and needs.

Keep reading for a deeper look into why these items should be sold and the detailed benefits of each.

1. Downsize Your Home and Unlock Equity

Selling a large family home can be an intelligent move for retiring Boomers. Downsizing to a smaller, more manageable home can significantly reduce maintenance costs and property taxes. Additionally, unlocking the equity in a larger home can provide a substantial financial boost, allowing retirees to fund their retirement expenses or invest in other opportunities.

A smaller house also means less upkeep, making it easier to enjoy retirement without the burden of constant home maintenance. A smaller home in a lower-cost-of-living area with lower taxes can put retirees in a better position financially. To avoid the current high interest rates, many Boomers can pay cash for their new smaller home based on the profits they made from selling their larger home.

2. Say Goodbye to Your Second Property

Many Boomers own a second property, such as a vacation or rental home. While these assets can be enjoyable and provide additional income, they can also be a source of stress and financial strain in retirement. Selling a second property can simplify asset management and generate a significant lump sum of cash.

This money can bolster retirement savings, pay off debts, or fund new experiences. Letting go of a second property can also bring emotional benefits, as retirees can focus on enjoying their primary residence without worrying about maintaining multiple properties.

3. Reduce Vehicle Expenses by Selling Unused Cars

In retirement, many Boomers find that they no longer need multiple vehicles. Selling unused cars can be a great way to save money on insurance, maintenance, and registration costs. By simplifying their transportation needs, retirees can reduce their monthly expenses and generate cash from the sale of their vehicles. This money can be used to fund other aspects of retirement, such as travel or hobbies.

4. Turn Recreational Vehicles into Retirement Funds

Recreational vehicles, such as RVs, boats, and motorcycles, can be a significant expense in retirement. If these items are rarely used, selling them can free up space and provide a financial boost.

Reducing storage and maintenance costs can help retirees allocate more money to their other retirement priorities. Letting go of these items can also be emotionally freeing, as retirees can focus on activities that better align with their current lifestyle.

5. Cash In on Antiques and Collectibles

Many Boomers have acquired valuable antiques and collectibles over the years. While these items may hold sentimental value, selling them can provide a significant financial boost in retirement.

Collectors and auction houses often pay top dollar for rare and unique items. Selling these items can also be emotionally rewarding, as retirees can pass on cherished possessions to others who will appreciate them.

6. Sell Unused Jewelry for a Financial Boost

Jewelry, especially pieces made from precious metals or stones, can be a valuable asset to sell in retirement. Selling unused or outdated jewelry can generate substantial cash, which can be used to fund retirement expenses or invest in other opportunities.

By simplifying their jewelry collection, retirees can focus on the most meaningful and valuable pieces. Reputable jewelry buyers and consignment shops can provide a safe and easy way to sell these items.

7. Make Room by Selling Excess Furniture

Downsizing to a smaller home often means less space for large furniture pieces. Selling excess furniture can generate cash and create a clutter-free living space in retirement. Retirees can sell their furniture through online marketplaces, consignment shops, or by hosting a garage sale.

Donating furniture to charity organizations is another option that can provide emotional benefits and potentially offer tax deductions.

8. Declutter and Sell Old Electronics

As technology advances, many Boomers find themselves with outdated gadgets and devices. Selling these old electronics can declutter the home and generate extra cash.

Responsibly recycling old electronics also has environmental benefits, as it prevents harmful materials from ending up in landfills. Online platforms and local buyback programs often offer competitive prices for used electronics, making it easy for retirees to sell them.

9. Earn Money from Gently Used Clothing and Accessories

Retirement is an excellent time to simplify one’s wardrobe and focus on essential pieces. Selling high-quality, gently used clothing and accessories can provide extra income and create more space in the closet.

Consignment shops and online platforms are great options for selling these items, as they often have a broad reach and handle the selling process for the seller. By curating a streamlined wardrobe, retirees can reduce clutter and earn money simultaneously.

10. Convert Sports and Hobby Equipment into Cash

As interests and physical abilities change in retirement, many Boomers find themselves with sports and hobby equipment they no longer use. Selling this equipment can free up space and provide funds for other activities.

Specialized online marketplaces and local sports clubs are often interested in purchasing gently used equipment. Passing this equipment to others who will use and appreciate it can also bring emotional satisfaction.


Selling unused and unnecessary items in retirement can provide numerous benefits for Boomers. Decluttering their homes, reducing expenses, and generating extra income can help retirees create a more manageable and enjoyable lifestyle.

Whether downsizing a home, selling a second property, or converting collectibles into cash, Boomers have many opportunities to simplify their lives and boost their retirement savings. Embracing this strategy can lead to a more fulfilling and financially stable retirement.