6 Ways To Become Rich on an Average Salary

6 Ways To Become Rich on an Average Salary

Becoming wealthy on an average salary may seem like an impossible dream, but it is achievable with the right strategies and mindset.

This article will explore six proven paths to building substantial wealth, even if you’re not earning a six-figure income. From index fund investing to starting a side business, these strategies can help you transform your financial future.

How To Become Rich on an Average Salary

Here are the six ways to become rich while earning an average income:

  1. Buy and hold investing in an index fund like the S&P 500 for 40 years.
  2. Buying in-demand real estate and continually scaling up to more expensive properties.
  3. Consistently converting your earned income into cash-flowing assets.
  4. Buying and owning the right stocks at the correct times for over a decade.
  5. Developing a quantified trading system with an edge and compounding your capital at high rates.
  6. Using your income to build a successful business in your spare time.

Keep reading for a deeper dive into actionable plans for each wealth-building path.

1. Harness the Power of Long-Term Index Fund Investing

Index fund investing is a simple yet powerful way to grow wealth over time. An index fund is a type of mutual fund or ETF that tracks a specific market index, such as the S&P 500, representing the 500 largest companies in the United States. Investing in an index fund exposes you to diverse stocks, reducing your overall risk.

The key to success with index fund investing is starting early and maintaining a long-term perspective. By consistently investing a portion of your income into index funds over 40 years, you can harness the power of compound interest.

For example, if you invest $500 monthly into an index fund with an average annual return of 8%, you could accumulate over $1.3 million by the end of the 40 years. This is Warren Buffett’s favorite investing system, and it is recommended to those not interested in active investing.

2. Build a Real Estate Empire One Property at a Time

Real estate investing is another proven path to building wealth on an average salary. By purchasing in-demand properties and gradually scaling up, you can create a portfolio of rental properties that generate passive income and appreciate value over time.

To get started, research areas with strong rental demand and potential for appreciation. Consider financing options such as traditional mortgages, FHA loans, or partnering with other investors.

As you build equity and generate rental income, you can reinvest your profits or use your equity as credit for investing in additional properties, expanding your real estate empire one step at a time.

3. Convert Your Earned Income into Cash-Flowing Assets

Converting earned income into cash-flowing assets, such as dividend stocks, rental properties, intellectual property, digital assets, or bonds, is a powerful wealth-building strategy. These assets generate regular income that you can reinvest to compound your capital and grow your investments.

By consistently allocating a portion of your salary to acquire these assets, you can build a portfolio that provides a steady stream of passive income.

To implement this strategy, set a goal to allocate a specific percentage of your income towards cash-flowing assets each month. Research and diversify your investments to minimize risk. Over time, as your portfolio grows, you’ll have the potential to replace your earned income with passive income from your assets.

4. Strategically Invest in the Right Stocks

Investing in the right stocks and holding them short-term or long-term can create significant wealth. To identify promising stocks, focus on companies with solid fundamentals, such as consistent revenue growth, high profit margins, and a competitive advantage in their industry.

Two proven investment methods can make you rich if you master them: growth investing and value investing.

Here’s a comparison of growth investing and value investing:

Growth Investing (CAN SLIM, William J. O’Neil)

  • Objective: Focuses on investing in companies expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies.
  • Key Metrics:
    • Current Quarterly Earnings per Share: Look for substantial earnings growth in recent quarters.
    • Annual Earnings Increases: Consistent growth in earnings over the last five years.
    • New Products, Management, or Events: Companies with new innovative products or services.
    • Supply and Demand: Stocks with high demand and a limited supply.
    • Leader or Laggard: Invest in industry leaders.
    • Institutional Sponsorship: Stocks with institutional investor backing.
    • Market Direction: Invest when the market is in an uptrend.
  • Time Horizon: Typically shorter-term, focusing on capitalizing on rapid price increases.
  • Risk Level: Higher, due to reliance on future growth prospects which may not materialize.

Value Investing (Warren Buffett)

  • Objective: Focuses on buying undervalued companies trading for less than their intrinsic value.
  • Key Metrics:
    • Intrinsic Value: Assess a company’s actual value based on fundamentals like earnings, dividends, and growth rate.
    • Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: Low P/E ratio compared to historical averages or industry peers.
    • Price-to-Book (P/B) Ratio: Low P/B ratio, indicating undervaluation.
    • Dividend Yield: Consistent and reliable dividend payments.
    • Financial Health: Strong balance sheet with low debt and healthy cash flow.
  • Time Horizon: Typically, it is longer-term, aiming to benefit from the market and eventually recognizing the company’s value.
  • Risk Level: Lower, as investments are based on established companies with solid fundamentals.

Key Differences:

  • Focus: Growth investing prioritizes high-growth companies, while value investing targets undervalued companies with solid fundamentals.
  • Time Horizon: Growth investing is more short-term, whereas value investing is more long-term.
  • Risk: Growth investing is generally riskier due to its reliance on future growth, while value investing is considered safer because it focuses on intrinsic value.

Both strategies have their merits and can be effective depending on the investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions.

Once you’ve identified a stock with potential, practice patience and emotional discipline. Avoid the temptation to trade too frequently based on short-term market fluctuations. Instead, maintain a long-term perspective and trust the company’s ability to create value over time.

Successful long-term stock investments, such as Warren Buffett’s investment in Coca-Cola, have generated substantial returns for patient investors.

5. Develop a Quantified Trading System to Compound Your Capital

For those interested in active trading, developing a quantified trading system can be a path to compounding their capital at high rates. A quantified trading system is a set of rules and mathematical expectancies that guide trading decisions based on historical data and statistical analysis.

To create a successful trading system, identify and backtest a profitable strategy on historical data. Once you’ve validated your system, implement strict risk management rules, such as setting stop-losses and position sizing based on your account balance.

By consistently applying your trading system and reinvesting your profits, you can potentially compound your capital at rates far exceeding traditional investment returns.

6. Build a Thriving Side Business in Your Spare Time

Starting a side business while working full-time is another path to building wealth on an average salary. By identifying a profitable niche and solving a specific problem for your target market, you can generate additional income that can be reinvested into your business or other wealth-building strategies.

Research potential niches and assess your skills and interests to launch a successful side business. Develop a minimal viable product or service and test it with potential customers. As your business grows, reinvest your profits into marketing, product development, and scaling your operations.

With dedication and hard work, your side hustle could eventually replace your full-time income and provide a path to financial independence.


With the right strategies and mindset, becoming rich on an average salary is possible. Whether you invest in index funds, build a real estate portfolio, create cash-flowing assets, invest in stocks, develop a quantified trading system, or launch a side business, the key is to start taking action today.

By consistently allocating your income towards wealth-building activities and maintaining a long-term perspective, you can transform your financial future and achieve your dreams of economic abundance.