5 Things We Should Keep To Ourselves

5 Things We Should Keep To Ourselves

In today’s world of social media and constant connectivity, it’s easy to fall into the trap of oversharing. We often feel compelled to share every aspect of our lives with others, from our latest meal to our deepest secrets. However, there are some things that we should keep to ourselves for the sake of our well-being and the well-being of those around us. In this article, we’ll explore five things that we should think twice about sharing with others.

1. Your Finances

Many people find money a sensitive subject, and we should not feel obligated to discuss it with others. Sharing details about our income, expenses, or debt can lead to judgment, unsolicited advice, or even exploitation. It’s important to remember that our financial situation is personal and should be kept private.

Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you’re working with a financial advisor or accountant, share your financial information with them to get the best advice possible. Similarly, having open and honest conversations about money with your partner is essential if you’re in a committed relationship. However, outside of these contexts, keeping your financial details to yourself is best.

2. Your Relationship Issues

Relationships are complex and often fraught with challenges. When going through a rough patch with our partner, turning to others for advice or support can be tempting. However, it’s important to remember that every relationship is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another.

Sharing details about your relationship problems with others can also lead to biased opinions and unsolicited advice. Your friends and family may have the best intentions, but they may not have all the information or context to guide you. In some cases, sharing too much about your relationship issues can even damage the trust between you and your partner.

Consider consulting with a licensed therapist or counselor if you’re struggling with a relationship problem and need outside help. They can provide an impartial perspective and offer evidence-based strategies for improving your relationship. If you decide to confide in a friend or family member, choose someone you trust to be discreet and objective.

3. Your Health Concerns

Our health is perhaps the most personal aspect of our lives, and we should not feel obligated to share it with others. Talking about our health concerns with anyone other than a healthcare professional can lead to a host of problems, from unsolicited medical advice to potential discrimination.

It’s important to remember that not everyone has the same knowledge or understanding regarding health issues. While your friends or family may have the best intentions, they may not be equipped to offer constructive advice. In some cases, they may even provide incorrect or harmful information.

Of course, there are some situations where sharing health information with others is essential. If you’re dealing with a severe illness or injury, you may need to share details with your employer or close family members. However, in most cases, it’s best to keep your health concerns between you and your healthcare provider.

4. Your Personal Goals and Ambitions

Setting goals and working towards them is integral to personal growth and development. However, sharing your goals and ambitions with others can sometimes do more harm than good. When we share our dreams with others, we open ourselves up to potential criticism, negativity, or sabotage.

It’s important to remember that not everyone will understand or support your goals, and that’s okay. Your dreams are your own, and you don’t need anyone else’s validation to pursue them. Keeping your goals to yourself can help you stay motivated and focused, as you won’t be distracted by the opinions of others.

That being said, there are some situations where sharing your goals can be beneficial. If you have a trusted mentor or coach, sharing your ambitions with them can help you get valuable guidance and support. Similarly, if you have close friends or family members you know will be supportive and encouraging, sharing your goals with them can help you stay accountable and motivated.

5. Your Controversial Opinions

We all have opinions on various topics, from politics to religion to social issues. However, sharing our controversial opinions with others can be a risky proposition. In today’s polarized world, expressing an unpopular opinion can lead to heated arguments, damaged relationships, or even professional consequences.

It’s important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that it’s okay to disagree with others. However, engaging in respectful dialogue and being open to hearing different perspectives is equally essential. If you decide to share a controversial opinion, be prepared to listen as much as you speak and approach the conversation with empathy and understanding.

In some situations, expressing a controversial opinion may be necessary. It may be worth the risk if you feel strongly about an issue and believe that speaking up could make a positive difference. However, it’s essential to choose your battles wisely and be mindful of the potential consequences of your words.

Case Study: Daphne Learns to Keep Some Things Private

Daphne, a 32-year-old marketing manager, had always been an open book. She freely shared every aspect of her life on social media and with her friends and colleagues. However, after several personal and professional setbacks, Daphne realized that her oversharing might be causing more harm than good.

It all started when Daphne shared her frustrations about her relationship on Facebook. She thought she was venting, but her post quickly attracted unwanted attention and unsolicited advice from friends and acquaintances. Some comments even returned to her partner, causing tension in their relationship. Daphne realized she needed to be more cautious about sharing her personal life online.

Daphne often discussed her financial struggles with her colleagues at work, hoping to find support and advice. However, when she was passed over for a promotion, she wondered if her openness about her money problems had given her boss the impression that she couldn’t handle more responsibility. Daphne decided to keep her financial situation private going forward.

Through these experiences, Daphne learned the importance of keeping some aspects of her life to herself. She still valued openness and honesty but became more selective about what she shared and with whom. By setting boundaries and maintaining privacy, Daphne found that she could build stronger, more authentic relationships and protect herself from potential harm.

Key Takeaways

  • Certain aspects of our lives should be kept private for our own well-being and the well-being of others.
  • Personal finances should be confidential except for trusted financial advisors, accountants, and committed partners.
  • Relationship issues should be handled with discretion, and when needed, outside help should be sought from licensed therapists or counselors.
  • Health concerns should be discussed primarily with healthcare professionals and shared with others only when necessary.
  • Personal goals and ambitions should be kept private to maintain motivation and avoid negativity, except for trusted mentors and supportive friends or family.
  • Controversial opinions should be expressed with caution, respect, and openness to other perspectives.
  • Sharing personal information can be beneficial or necessary in certain situations, but it’s essential to be mindful of the potential consequences.
  • Striking a balance between privacy and open communication is critical to building strong, authentic relationships while maintaining personal autonomy and self-respect.


In conclusion, while it’s essential to be open and honest with others, there are some things that we should keep to ourselves. Our personal finances, relationship issues, health concerns, personal goals, and controversial opinions are all deeply personal aspects of our lives that deserve to be kept private.

By being mindful of what we share and with whom we share it, we can protect ourselves from potential harm and maintain healthy boundaries in our relationships. At the same time, it’s important to remember that there are some situations where sharing personal information can be beneficial or even necessary.

Ultimately, the key is to balance privacy and open communication. By being thoughtful and intentional about what we share with others, we can build stronger, more authentic relationships while maintaining personal autonomy and self-respect.