Success Laws: 5 Laws of World Class Masterminds

Success Laws: 5 Laws of World Class Masterminds

In the enduring quest for personal and professional growth, the world’s most distinguished leaders have published volumes dedicated to the principles of success. While much wisdom on prospering in business and life exists in the collective library, a few laws form a foundation shared by history’s greatest masterminds. Intimately familiar with the formulas for achievement, these trailblazing individuals have mastered the art of realizing their visions. This article examines the five fundamental laws governing world-class success. By integrating them into the fabric of our daily lives, we, too, can attune our behaviors to those exhibited by leaders at the peak of human enterprise.

Law 1: The Law of Vision

World-class masterminds are characterized first and foremost by their ability to develop sharply defined visions of the future. With focused intention, these extraordinary people designate a specific ambition to concentrate their efforts and guide them toward excellence. By crafting a vivid mental picture of their eventual success, masterminds produce in themselves an unrivaled lust for its materialization. Steven Covey demonstrated this in his best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by encouraging readers to begin with the end in mind.

Practical implementation:

  • Set aside dedicated time for visualizing your wildest dreams as vivid sensory experiences in your mind
  • Produce tangible representations of your goals through vision boards and written mission statements
  • Revisit your ambitions before bed each night or upon waking each morning

For example, Walt Disney began sketching his earliest conceptions of Disneyland on scraps of paper over three decades before the park opened to great fanfare in 1955. He returned to these representations daily.

Law 2: The Law of Persistence

World-class masterminds couple their bold visions with unbending persistence. Fully assured of the certainty of their ambitions, they acquire resiliency against obstacles scant others possess. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell details in Developing the Leader Within You how highly successful people view failures as opportunities for learning rather than excuses for quitting. Through disciplined persistence, these figures expand their skill sets with each setback until they ultimately prevail.

Practical implementation:

  • Reframing failures as valuable lessons that grant the wisdom required for later victory
  • Pursuing measurable daily progress points instead of immediate sweeping change
  • Ignoring personal pain thresholds and forging ahead when fewer individuals would withdraw

For example, scientists perfecting the long-dreamed lightbulb required Thomas Edison to test over 10,000 filament materials. Facing exhaustion, he reflected, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

Law 3: The Law of Networking

Masterminds leverage close-knit networks of influence to actualize their ambitions. Within trusted communities bound by cooperation, these trailblazers gain endorsements, secure funding, attract talent, and inspire others toward shared goals. As collaborative achievements surpass individual capacities, influential networks multiply the results produced by any singular member. Keith Ferrazzi’s Never Eat Alone proclaims a leader’s network to be their “net worth,” capable of elevating ordinary individuals to iconic status through association alone.

Practical implementation:

  • Identify key players within target industries and brand themselves as viable partners
  • Initiate repeated benevolent contact with network players absent any desired reciprocity
  • Organically foster authentic personal connections before requesting professional favors

For example, as junior representatives, political newcomers Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher bonded in the 1950s by exchanging career advice over long personal conversations. This friendship later secured Thatcher key trade concessions during Reagan’s presidency.

Law 4: The Law of Adaptability

Visionary ambition left unchecked by outside forces breeds rigid idealism incapable of navigating unpredictable change. Thus, world-class masterminds temper their visions by welcoming reality’s feedback. Unlike stubborn resistance, these dynamic figures respond to new developments through flexibility and course corrections. Leadership professor John Kotter praises such individuals in Leading Change for utilizing adaptability to minimize risk and maximize results amidst uncertainty.

Practical implementation:

  • Appropriately scale back plans when confronted with limitations
  • Remain open to integrating spontaneous, positive progress
  • Expect to update methods while retaining loyalty to the central vision

Wartime British Prime Minister Winston Churchill demonstrated such adaptability by shifting military resources in response to German maneuvers, allowing for the miracle of Dunkirk.

Law 5: The Law of Continuous Learning

Central to the sustained impact of world-class masterminds is their recognition that mastery is a process rather than a destination. Through humble acceptance that complete expertise remains permanently on the horizon, these leaders commit to lifelong learning. By exposing themselves to novel ideas, they expand the reach of their influence exponentially. As philosopher Eric Hoffer proclaimed, “In times of profound change, the learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world which no longer exists.”

Practical implementation:

  • Dedicating nightly reading time to books aimed at personal growth
  • Attending conferences and seminars given by recognized industry leaders
  • Gathering takeaways from both failures and accomplishments

For example, despite commanding global fame as pioneering inventors, the Wright Brothers enrolled in physics lessons well into old age to expand their aviation mastery further.

Case Study: From Small-Town Worker to Industry Titan

When Jacob H. began his career pumping gas in a sleepy Midwest town, actualizing his grand vision of founding a valued tech startup appeared unlikely. However, by centering his sights on the end goal, stubbornly fighting through hundreds of failed coding attempts, slowly befriending industry insiders, remaining open to modifying his plan’s details, and continuously advancing his software skills, Jacob actualized his dream after just six relentless years. Despite the distance between his humble beginnings and globally recognized brand, Jacob credits success to staying loyal to the five laws that guided world-class masterminds before him. Where others faltered in resolve, he persisted. When frustrated peers withdrew into rigidity, he responded with flexibility. By fortune and design, Jacob is today a pioneering embodiment of the five laws governing those visionaries destined for the history books.

Key Takeaways

  • Develop vivid mental representations of your most ambitious goals and revisit them daily.
  • View failures as prerequisites for the wisdom necessary for eventual success.
  • Build close cooperative relationships with individuals capable of exponentially increasing your results.
  • Remain adaptive to retain maximum control amidst uncertain conditions.
  • Commit to being a lifelong learner and open to expanding your mastery.


Through centering your sights on a monumental vision, stubbornly fighting through ever-rising challenges, surrounding yourself with empowering allies, responding flexibly to new developments, and perpetually seeking knowledge, you too can manifest the success destined for this world’s masterminds. The above laws represent the code cracked by humanity’s highest achievers across eras. Unlock your potential by making them your own.