4 Morning Habits of Successful People

4 Morning Habits of Successful People

Successful people understand the importance of optimizing their mornings. The early hours provide a brief, quiet window before the daily tides of tasks roll in. Hence, leaders deliberately architect their dawn, establishing habits that empower them to operate at peak capacity all day. Examining the science and routines behind this morning’s mastery unveils the recipe for how extraordinary days are built. This enables anyone to recreate that winning framework within their a.m. agenda.

Four research-backed morning pillars commonly support the productivity of highly effective individuals. They include:

  • Rise early to allow time for self-improvement, like exercise, planning, and reflection
  • Delay digital gratification in the early hours to allow time to fuel the body and mind.
  • Carve out time for a nutritious breakfast to sharpen mental clarity.
  • Spend a few moments reading words of inspiration or wisdom to spark creativity and emotional intelligence.

1. They Wake Up Early

Waking up early allows successful people to reflect, exercise, and tackle their most meaningful priorities before the daily rush kicks in. Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post and Thrive Global, is passionate about rising early. “I wake up at around six or 6:15 a.m. and spend the first-hour checking emails and catching up on the news. Then I work out for an hour to give myself time to think,” Huffington told The Guardian. Statistics back up the early bird tendency among high achievers, with a survey finding that 89% of executives rise before 6 a.m.

Transitioning from night owl to early riser may sound daunting, but incremental changes help ease the adjustment. Start by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier each week until you reach your optimal wake-up time. Using multiple alarms with different tones placed out of reach can also prevent going back to sleep. Days may start groggy initially, but making morning productivity a habit will naturally shift your circadian clock and energy levels to align with an earlier rise. Most successful people rise between 5–and 6 a.m. to maximize time for proactive work before the reactive flood of emails and calls. What small step could you take today to inch towards earlier mornings and more intentional days?

2. They Avoid Checking Email First Thing

Upon waking, grabbing your phone and scrolling through overnight emails may be tempting. However, successful people forego this common impulse to allow time to be dedicated to higher-priority morning activities. Checking email immediately places them in reactive mode, playing catch-up rather than leading from the front.

According to one survey, 89% of professionals check work email before doing anything else in the morning—including even brushing their teeth! However, resisting the ping of notifications pays off by allowing leaders to drive their mornings proactively. From 5–8 a.m., they invest time in exercise, strategic planning, and vital projects before distractions occur.

To curb email addiction, turn off phone notifications and keep the app off your home screen. Replace it with apps for other morning habits like meditation or news to motivate productive intentions from your alarm buzzing. Determine your most essential morning task and protect time for it before 9 a.m. Whether tackling top priorities or just breakfast without screens, rerouting your routine early can prevent endless reactivity.

3. They Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Fueling up with a nutritious breakfast empowers successful people to stay energized, focused, and mentally sharp all morning. Complex carbohydrates like oatmeal provide sustainable energy, while protein, fiber, and healthy fats satisfy you. Fruit, nuts, and eggs also regularly appear in power players’ morning meals.

Eating well first isn’t always feasible during busy seasons. Preparing grab-and-go options like smoothies, muffins, or breakfast sandwiches once a week ensures you have healthy options when scrambling out the door. While instant oatmeal or yogurt parfaits assemble quickly, for mornings with more margin, sit and nourish yourself.

Research confirms that eating breakfast correlates with improved productivity, concentration, strength, and endurance compared to skipping your morning meal. Start small by mixing a daily fruit serving into your existing breakfast. Build momentum by adding one new healthy component weekly: egg whites for protein or quinoa flakes for grains. As your nutrition improves, watch your energy, outlook, and work effectiveness transform too!

4. They Take Time for Self-Improvement

The best leaders know great days start with great minds. To enrich their thinking and progress personally, successful people dedicate morning time to self-improvement activities like reading, writing, meditating, or some combination thereof.

For example, Bill Gates reportedly starts evenings unwinding with a stack of books, averaging 50+ titles per year. Oprah Winfrey wakes at 5 a.m. daily for stillness, reflection, and gratitude journaling mornings. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg’s 2015 New Year resolved to read one book every two weeks for personal growth. Research correlating reading with success finds CEOs averaging nearly five times as many monthly books as average workers.

Not a bookworm? Podcasts and audiobook apps like Audible and morning page journaling present low-lift options, too. Reflective activities build emotional intelligence, spur innovative ideas, and uncover subconscious limiting beliefs. Start small by choosing one self-improvement vehicle aligned with your growth goals. Consume an inspiring podcast, walk the Dog, listen to an audiobook commuting, or set three pages daily of stream-of-consciousness journaling. Through manifesting your growth early, each day becomes a stepping stone to your highest potential.

Case Study: From Burned Out to Optimized

Will was stretched too thin, and his long hours as an accountant left little time for healthy habits. Mornings meant hitting snooze repeatedly and rushing out the door with coffee in hand but no breakfast. Immediately checking emails and voicemails put him in reactive mode from the start. Days were blurred by lacking prioritization or progress in passion projects, and in the evenings, they collapsed on the unfulfilled couch.

Realizing this vicious cycle undermined his well-being and productivity, Will felt inspired reading about successful leaders’ morning routines. He connected most with Arianna Huffington’s guidance on rising early. Bill Gates’s voracious reading motivated Will to reignite his lapsed reading habit; recognizing small steps create lasting change, he added one cheerful morning routine weekly.

Will began waking up 20 minutes early, using the calm to stretch or walk his dog Zach rather than sleeping more. Buying smoothie ingredients had tasty, nutrient-packed breakfasts ready to blend, so healthy eating became sustainable. An audiobook over breakfast made reading a joy, expanding his mindset. Finally, Will turned phone notifications off overnight, finding Saturday mornings focused on personal budgeting refreshed him for a rewarding week ahead.

Over 90 days, Will built an uplifting morning routine integrating wellness, professional, and personal growth habits. No longer oversleeping, underslept, or underfed, he channels early morning energy into passion projects. Now optimism, not caffeine, fuels Will’s days. Though no longer evident, he savors how small steps upstream transform days downstream. Morning mastery helps him thrive in all realms, progressing purposefully towards dreams once neglected in life’s daily hustle.

Key Takeaways

  • Commence mornings proactively rather than reactively by rising early before life’s distractions set in. Devote this time to self-improvement through exercise, strategic planning, and other enriching habits.
  • Curb digital temptations first thing, like email and social media—instead, focus on fueling your body and mind for an intentional, productive day.
  • Make time for nutritious morning meals even during busy seasons. Prepare quick, healthy breakfasts in advance when needed. Fueling properly boosts focus, drive, and cognitive abilities.
  • Don’t just dive into work; immerse first in wisdom. Reading, writing, meditation, and journaling boost creativity, emotional intelligence, and progress.


They construct uplifting morning routines that precede successfully built days, weeks, and lives. Winning habits breed winning visions bred into reality. Hence, transform tomorrow by progressively building upstream from today’s daybreak. Embrace the counsel of history’s highest achievers by engineering mornings for productivity over passivity. Continually increase time for meaningful improvement until breakthroughs arise as inevitably as the sunrise. Your future awaits manifestation through the portal of each new dawn. Greet it accordingly.