It Took Me 5 Years To Learn This (Mindset, Success, Motivation)

It Took Me 5 Years To Learn This (Mindset, Success, Motivation)

We often desire the rapid manifestation of significant success, assuming overnight triumphs reflect capability while anything less means failure. However, the principles that sustainably unleash the achievement of ambitious visions are less simplistic and glamorous. Authentic progress toward extraordinarily fulfilling goals requires embracing attributes like patience, persistence, and intrinsic self-belief through the long valleys preceding the peaks. This mental and emotional muscle strengthening buys time for competencies to catch up to convictions and builds momentum to overcome external skepticism. After years of being puzzled by the nonlinear nature of personal evolution, the key lessons crystallized. Though not immediately fruitful, the seeds planted today through relentless incremental improvement eventually yield massive transformation if the determination to continue tending them persists.

The breakthrough comes in focusing not on an arbitrary timeframe but identifying indicators confirming progress, no matter how small. Consistently nourishing the soil of one’s potential inevitably allows dreams once appeared impossible to gradually transition from the intangible into tangible reality over months, years, or decades in some cases.

Why Overnight Success is a Myth

We have all heard rags-to-riches tales of entrepreneurs launching businesses from their garages and becoming billionaires within a few years. The truth is that while gurus love distilling stories down to these sensational parts, years of preparation and foundation-building pave the way first. Overnight success is essentially a myth – the years of learning, relationship building, skill development, and failed attempts preceding it often get left out.

Understanding this reality can be liberating. It’s easy to judge progress based on simplistic success stories and buy into the discouragement they can unintentionally breed. Allowing personal evolution to unfold at its own pace, knowing results will come in their own time if persistence is maintained, is incredibly freeing. The focus can instead be placed on enjoying the process and achieving smaller milestones along the journey.

Tuning Out the Naysayers

As bold dreams and visions are vocalized early on, many friends and family respond with skepticism or outright dismissal, even though they mean well. Their cautions about everything that could go wrong can dampen motivation over time. Protecting one’s dreams from dream-stealers is vital during the long journey toward success.

Quietly pursuing purpose without needing external validation helps regain self-belief. Valuing feedback from those who have achieved what one wants rather than those who haven’t is prudent. Most importantly, it’s vital to remember that bold dreams seldom make initial sense to others, given they live inside one’s headspace. Letting go of needing approval and cultivating confidence in one’s potential is incredibly empowering.

The Need for Self-Belief

Self-doubt can plague progress for years despite tangible strides made. The mind can be its worst enemy, constantly questioning if one has what it takes. An inner voice keeps asking, “Who do you think you are?” as extraordinary goals are envisioned that one has yet to see others with a similar background achieve.

It becomes apparent self-confidence issues often hold people back rather than external barriers. Having a dramatic life story like the most famous success icons isn’t necessary. However, their extraordinary levels of self-belief in their abilities allowed them to manifest huge visions tirelessly until the world caught up. It is vital to nurture the mental muscle of believing in one’s potential and capability to achieve their goals. Over the years, through daily affirmations, visualization, and surrounding oneself with encouragers, that inner critic can gradually be silenced. Permitting yourself to acknowledge one’s worthiness and talent is incredibly empowering.

Learning to Value the Journey

Early on, the frustration of persistently working towards victory without fast results can be intense. However, I realized the journey holds fulfillment, not just the destination. Once I shifted my mindset to find joy in incremental progress, my motivation was preserved on days lacking significant milestones. Actual growth takes immense patience with oneself – frustration only serves if channeled into determined persistence rather than discouragement. Lasting success comes from valuing the climb, not just anticipating the summit.

Case Study: Tom’s Incremental Climb

Tom dreamed of building a thriving venture capital firm, supporting visionary founders in bringing innovative tech solutions to life. However, his lofty end goal seemed so distant years into tirelessly laying the bricks towards his empire.

Like many hungry go-getters, Tom fell into the success trap of focusing narrowly on some arbitrary finish line rather than enjoying the step-by-step process. In his impatience waiting for his life’s work to unfold fully, he grew intensely frustrated, feeling stalled during dry spells, lacking any significant milestones achieved.

During those valleys, Tom started questioning if he had what it takes. Well-meaning friends and family who couldn’t quite grasp his ambitious vision planted seeds of doubt by cautioning him of worst-case scenarios.

The turning point came when Tom consciously shifted to a growth mindset – appreciating every small win as progress fuel rather than judging himself for not yet manifesting his ultimate dream. He surrounded himself with encouragers who nurtured his self-belief and muted his inner critic.

Gradually, Tom began recognizing how every baby step strengthened his foundations and convictions. He learned to get excited over incremental landmarks like bringing on his first investment partner, closing his first seed deal, and convincing his first unicorn startup to let him invest. He focused on constant improvement over needing immediate validation.

Five years since first setting out to build a thriving venture capital empire, Tom has managed several funds fueling cutting-edge innovation globally. He beams, watching the entrepreneurs he invested in early on the rise alongside him.

He now teaches other strivers how retraining their mindset to value the climb enabled him to find fulfillment in the long rollercoaster ride toward changing the world through transformative ideas.

Key Takeaways

  • Perseverance and tenacity are vital; success comes to those who relentlessly work towards their goals over the long haul.
  • The path is nonlinear; failures and course corrections will occur before victory.
  • Consistency compounds; small, daily actions build unstoppable momentum
  • Immediate results are rare; manage expectations and focus on progress
  • Naysayers will emerge, cultivate self-belief despite skepticism
  • Skill cultivation precedes outcomes, and years of effort build the foundation
  • The journey’s victories matter fulfillment comes from the climb itself
  • Self-doubt hinders more than external barriers; believe in your potential
  • The mindset shift is ongoing, regularly affirming convictions and capabilities


The abovementioned principles illuminate that personal evolution and achievement of audacious goals are not for the faint of heart. However, for those willing to withstand short-term disappointments, external doubts, and intrinsic struggles on the ascent – embracing the nonlinear path can unlock lasting success and fulfillment. By focusing singly on the next right step, celebrating small wins, and trusting unwaveringly in one’s expanding potential – the summit is closer than it appears. Remember that the longest journeys require patience, tenacity, and self-belief in the early days when results seem invisible. But holding fast to convictions ultimately allows ambitious dreams to transition from fantasy to reality over time.