Rules of Success

Rules of Success

Success starts with clarifying what you want to achieve and the direction you wish for your life and career. Take time to reflect and identify your definition and vision for personal success—career status, financial position, family life, life goals, impact, community, and more. Be honest about your ambitions and what would bring you profound accomplishment and fulfillment. Understanding what will make you feel successful enables you to set specific long-term goals that align with your vision while developing a personalized path to get there. With clarity in your direction, you can make daily decisions more confidently and create habits that support your long-term aims.

Master Key Skills and Keep Learning

To achieve professional success and advancement, you must offer value and expertise that others depend on and are willing to pay for. To identify current skill or knowledge gaps that—if closed—would significantly boost your income earning potential. Conducting an honest self-assessment of weaknesses is essential, as is proactively researching emerging, in-demand, or complementary skills to invest your time in mastering. Building unique expertise gives you more leverage, options, and confidence in the job market—the broader and more valuable your skills are, the better. Complementing existing knowledge with new technical or soft skills helps you bring even more to the table to accelerate your career progression. Along with targeted skill building, also devote time daily to general knowledge expansion and intentional growth.

Embrace Discipline and Hard Work

While vision, goals, and skills provide direction, success requires self-control, dedication, perseverance, and sustained effort. Establish and stick to consistent daily routines—waking early, exercising, planning your day, focusing on high-impact tasks, measuring progress, etc. Having structure and implementing positive habits are hugely impactful for success over the long term. Additionally, hold yourself firmly accountable to your goals and priorities to stay on track when distractions or excuses arise. View self-discipline as a competitive advantage—while others may waver when challenges hit, use discipline and dedication to persist. Understand that worthwhile accomplishments require extensive, focused effort. Adopt an Attitude of Optimism

Build Strong, Supportive Relationships

It’s often said that you become like the five people you spend the most time with. So be incredibly selective regarding who you allow into your inner circle and give them access to influence your thinking and priorities. Surround yourself with people who constructively challenge you, believe in your goals, offer wisdom from experience, and appreciate your talents – essentially those who inspire your growth. Additionally, prioritize mutual growth in relationships by supporting others’ dreams and ambitions where possible.

Take Calculated Risks

While thoughtful planning and goal setting are important, playing it too safe by avoiding uncertainty also severely limits opportunities for growth. You must identify areas of life and business where embracing some risk can substantially increase results and rewards. Assess whether you need to delegate more, have crucial conversations to resolve conflicts limiting productivity, adopt new technology/processes, explore collaborations to merge perspectives and skills, move cities for a more significant impact, leave a secure job for a startup, or thoughtfully take other personal and professional risks. The acceptable risk level and how to mitigate downsides depends on your situation. But logically, map out the range of outcomes, pinpoint exactly what you want to avoid, and take measures to prevent disaster scenarios. With that guardrail established, dare to step outside your comfort zone and consider ideas you may have reflexively shot down as seeming too risky or different.

Bounce Back from Failures

On the road to increased success, mistakes or rejection are inevitable regardless of extensive planning and discipline. But failure itself need not undermine achievement when viewed properly as feedback and fuel for future success rather than as a definitive conclusion. The key is first analyzing objectively what went wrong rather than reacting emotionally. Identify contributing factors you could improve to alter the outcome next time. Failure often exposes personal shortcomings that need to be strengthened, like poor time management, inadequate skills that require development, flaws in preparation and planning, etc. It also reveals when ambitions have raced ahead of current capabilities. Additionally, catastrophic thinking that broadly applies negative projections usually proves unrealistic. Instead, contain failures as isolated situations with logical next steps rather than jumping to dire end scenarios.

Commit to Ethics and Adding Value

True success extends beyond the self to positively impact other people’s lives. While attaining external markers like wealth, prominence, and professional ascent, they remain firmly grounded in ethical practices and empathy and add value to advance societal progress. Any achievements attained while knowingly harming others or through deception will ultimately feel hollow, fail to earn genuine respect from others, and likely crumble long-term when exposed. Alternatively, ensuring you conduct business with integrity, make decisions informed by their influence on people downstream, and purposely expand the pie versus just competing more fiercely for existing slices will earn the admiration and support of peers.

Case Study: Pat’s Renewed Potential

Pat was a 32-year-old manager who, while doing decently so far career-wise, felt he was falling short of his full potential across all areas, from professional status, income, relationships, and health/fitness. Though already on a decent track, Pat worried about plateauing prematurely without further intensive personal growth. He knew that with the right strategic effort, he could accomplish far more across all facets of life.

Thus began a two-year journey of vision setting, skills building, habit change, and calculated risks to accelerate Pat’s success. The first phase focused on gaining absolute clarity on Pat’s customized definitions of personal success across every life domain. This enabled the creation of a tailored multi-year plan for advancement, backed by supportive shorter-term smart goals to motivate ongoing progress. Defining this vision of an ambitiously better future self was essential.

With a clear direction, Pat critically evaluated current abilities versus what would be required to achieve his aims. This assessment revealed crucial skill and capability gaps needing rapid development. Pat dove into intense learning, including courses, books, and daily practice to grow expertise. He optimized routines for efficiency, managed relationships to sustain motivation, and took calculated risks like new leadership roles to stretch his capabilities.

Through extraordinary consistency in pursuing this self-improvement vision, Pat accomplished more in 2 years than the prior decade combined. He advanced his career four levels, including executive leadership advancement and a $250K salary. Physical fitness improved markedly as well, alongside stronger relationships and greater purpose. The dramatic outcomes across the board proved the power of focused personal development when ambitious visions fuel unrelenting action rooted in self-honesty.

Key Takeaways

  • Clearly define what success means to you personally and set aligned long-term goals.
  • Continuously build in-demand skills and expand your knowledge to boost your capability.
  • Implement consistent routines and self-discipline to outwork others.
  • Adopt a tenacious mindset of optimism and possibility.
  • Carefully curate your inner circle to include supportive voices.
  • Take calculated risks to create breakthrough opportunities.
  • Analyze failures for improvement insights rather than catastrophizing.
  • Progress with integrity and service to positively impact lives.


Achieving externally validated victories and inner fulfillment requires narrowing your focus to a customized vision of success backed by hard skills and work ethic to outpace peers. Along the journey, constructive beliefs, relationships, and courage equip you to capitalize on challenges and setbacks rather than be overcome. Progress is further amplified by consistent value contributions that lift personal and collective outcomes. If the mindset shifts, ethical traits, and targeted actions above are embraced over the long haul, you position yourself to realize ambitious transformations ultimately.