7 Ways To Be Happier Than You’ve Ever Been

7 Ways To Be Happier Than You’ve Ever Been

Happiness is a subjective emotional state unique to each individual. While many seek happiness by pursuing external things like status, wealth, or possessions, absolute joy stems from inner wellness and mental health. With intentional lifestyle habits supporting a balanced mind, you can be happier and more content than ever.

Cultivating long-term happiness requires consistent work through rewiring thought patterns, emotional regulation, and self-care. However, the rewards of inner peace and fulfillment are immense. This article details vital evidence-based principles for improving mental health to boost mood.

Understanding Happiness and Mental Health

Defining happiness can be tricky since it’s a subjective emotional state that differs for each individual. Essentially, happiness refers to positive emotions like contentment, joy, gratitude, fulfillment, and the sense that life is going well. Mental health plays an integral role in influencing happiness. When the mind is balanced and resilient, it’s easier to experience positive emotions even in adversity.

Many falsely believe happiness stems from status, wealth, beauty, or material possessions. In reality, the happiest individuals are not necessarily the richest, most successful, or best-looking on the outside. Lasting happiness comes from within. Making simple choices each day to boost mental health goes a long way.

1. Cultivating Gratitude

Studies show that cultivating gratitude has a significant positive impact on mental health and happiness. Gratitude shifts focus from what’s lacking in life to what’s currently abundant. Keeping a daily gratitude journal, meditating on things you’re grateful for, and expressing thanks to others can work wonders.

For example, a Veteran’s Association retirement home started a gratitude practice by having each resident share one thing they feel grateful for every evening. Residents reported significant improvements in finding meaning in small joys and connecting with others. Simple practices like this rewire the brain’s perspective.

2. Engaging in Regular Physical Activity

Exercise isn’t just for physical health. Regular activities like cardio, strength training, yoga, dancing, sports, and more provide tremendous mood boosts by releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain. It also reduces immune system chemicals that can worsen depression.

Aim for 150 minutes per week of moderate activity like brisk walking—or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise like running or swimming. Mix up your workouts to prevent boredom. You are dancing in the living room or going for a jog. Both count! The key is finding activities you enjoy and will stick with long term.

3. Fostering Strong Social Connections

Humans are wired for social connection. Loving relationships tremendously enhances happiness and mental well-being. Prioritize spending quality time with close family and friends often. Join community groups or clubs to expand your social circle. Volunteer work is another excellent way to connect with others.

Contact an old friend or sign up for a class if you feel lonely. The internet also makes it easy to find local people with common interests. Deep social connections provide emotional Support and are vital for happiness.

4. Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness teaches present-moment awareness, while meditation involves focused thought. Both rewire the brain over time to promote relaxation and inner peace. Daily mindfulness and meditation alleviate anxiety and negative emotions that hinder happiness.

Begin with just 5-10 minutes per day of sitting quietly while focusing entirely on your breathing. When thoughts arise, gently return focus to your breath without judgment. Use guided meditations from phone apps if desired. Start small for the most incredible consistency. Over time, you’ll notice an improved ability to regulate emotions.

5. Pursuing Fulfilling Hobbies and Interests

Going through daily motions without doing activities that spark joy and purpose is easy. Carve out time each week for hobbies that challenge you mentally or creatively, help you grow, or align with your values. Gardening, photography, painting, volunteering with animals, coding – discover what fills your cup!

Try a variety of hobbies until some clicks. Scheduling hobby time on your calendar helps ensure you prioritize it. Balance is essential – avoid overcommitting to hobbies at the cost of burning out. Hobbies enhance happiness by providing meaning and relieving stress.

6. Embracing a Positive Mindset

Thoughts influence emotions and behaviors. Intentionally pursuing positive thinking empowers you to choose mental states conducive to happiness despite external circumstances. Optimism takes practice through rewiring habitual thought patterns over time.

Each morning, take a few minutes to repeat uplifting affirmations about yourself and the upcoming day. Write down negative automatic thoughts throughout the day and replace them with balanced, hopeful alternatives. You control your mindset. Choosing positivity lifts your mood.

7. Seeking Professional Help When Needed

For some, self-help tips may not fully alleviate more severe mood issues like depression or anxiety. Mental health issues deserve compassionate, professional treatment. Counseling helps build coping skills, overcome past traumas, manage mental health conditions, and experience lasting change.

Don’t hesitate to contact a therapist, psychiatrist, or doctor. Healing your mind and spirit requires commitment through ongoing self-work and possibly medication or treatment plans. With consistent effort, developing stable and positive mental health is possible. This sustains happiness and is not reliant on external circumstances.

Case Study: “I Didn’t Realize This Level of Joy Was Possible”

Maria battled depression for years before committing to intensive therapy and lifestyle changes. Alongside antidepressants, she began practicing daily gratitude journaling, joined a running group for motivation around regular exercise, and started volunteering at an animal shelter to decrease loneliness.

Learning mindfulness through the meditation app Headspace taught Maria to regulate difficult emotions better when they arose. Her outlook on life shifted from gloom to hope. After discovering a passion for painting, Maria devoted several hours weekly to artistic expression. This brought her immense meaning and joy. With Support from loved ones and mental health professionals, Maria’s depression lifted. She now has the tools to maintain stability and happiness long term.

Key Takeaways

Lasting happiness stems from inner well-being, not external success. Boost mood through simple lifestyle choices that support mental health:

  • Cultivate gratitude
  • Exercise regularly
  • Foster social connections
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Engage in fulfilling hobbies
  • Maintain a positive mindset
  • Seek counseling when needed


Sustainable happiness and inner peace require an intentional commitment to mental health through positive lifestyle habits. While it takes dedication, the rewards of improved mood, outlook, and resilience are invaluable.

As society increasingly focuses on external markers of success, true joy and meaning ironically come from within. By caring for the whole self – mind, body, and emotions – well-being and contentment naturally follow. The principles outlined equip individuals to take control of thought patterns, regulate difficult emotions, and make self-care an ongoing priority.

With consistent practice, new neural pathways develop to support mental health changes. What first takes effort becomes automatic over time. The case study inspires readers when motivation lags. If Maria can transform her depression into stability and daily joy, so can you. Have patience and trust the process. Progress over perfection is critical.