6 Habits of Mentally Strong People You Need to Know

6 Habits of Mentally Strong People You Need to Know

Mental strength is one of the most important attributes we can cultivate. It allows us to survive and thrive in the face of adversity. Mentally strong individuals can bounce back from failures and setbacks. They can maintain composure during times of stress. They have a high threshold for discomfort and can delay gratification in pursuing their goals. Developing mental fortitude takes dedication, but it is gratifying.

This blog post will explore six essential habits mentally strong people practice. Implementing even one or two habits can help you become more resilient, focused, and optimistic. With time and commitment, adopting all six habits can completely transform how you respond to challenges. You may find yourself approaching obstacles from a place of inner calm rather than panic. Setbacks will seem like growth opportunities rather than crushing defeats.

The habits we will cover include practicing self-compassion, cultivating resilience, expressing gratitude, utilizing emotional intelligence, finding purpose and meaning, and maintaining an open mind. While simple in concept, these habits require consistency and self-awareness to integrate fully. Fortunately, the benefits of developing mental muscle make the effort worthwhile.

1. They Have Self-Compassion

Example: When Sara, a mentally strong individual, experiences a setback at work, like rejecting a proposal, she does not criticize herself as a failure. Instead, she reassures herself that mistakes help her learn for the future. She also remembers that one rejection does not determine her overall worth. Sara cuts herself some slack and resolves to try again rather than falling into unhealthy self-criticism.

2. They Are Resilient

Example: James demonstrates resilience after unexpectedly losing his job. Rather than becoming despondent, he proactively updates his resume and views the layoff as an opportunity to find a better position. When challenges arise in the job hunt, James adapts by expanding his search and focusing on developing new skills employers want. Within a few months, he leverages his resilience to land a role at a thriving company.

3. They Practice Gratitude

Example: Alicia habitually writes down three things she is grateful for every morning. This allows her to start the day reflecting on blessings like her loving family, rewarding job, and good health. Even during hard times, focusing on gratitude generates positive emotions and brings purpose.

4. They Are Emotionally Intelligent

Example: Daniel has a high emotional intelligence that helps him navigate interpersonal relationships. He can read other people’s subtle cues and body language to understand their feelings and needs. Daniel also manages his own emotions skillfully. When he senses frustration building, he calms down and composes himself before reacting.

5. They Have Purpose and Meaning

Example: After a severe illness, Deborah gained a new sense of purpose: helping others battling the disease. She joined a support group, counsels recently diagnosed patients, and raises funds for research. Discovering meaning in adversity gave Deborah’s life renewed focus and satisfaction.

6. They Are Open-Minded

Example: William demonstrates open-mindedness in his willingness to read books by authors with different ideologies than his own. He listens carefully to opposing views and lets evidence, rather than ego, guide his opinions. Weighing all perspectives allows William to make wiser decisions.

Case Study: Michelle Regains Her Inner Strength

Michelle always considered herself confident, excelling in her marketing career and adventurous hobbies. But after a series of setbacks, like a bad breakup and stalled promotion, her mental resilience began to falter. Negative self-talk crept in, and small obstacles that once seemed minor loomed large. Michelle found herself feeling anxious and defeated more often than not.

Determined to regain her inner strength, Michelle focused on cultivating the six critical habits outlined above. She started small, with gratitude. Each morning, she wrote down three good things in her life, like cherished friendships and enjoying good health. This shift in mindset helped Michelle start the day from a positive place.

Next, Michelle worked on self-compassion, trying not to rebuke herself when she made mistakes. Reframing setbacks as learning opportunities allowed her to take risks without fear of failure. Michelle also tuned into her emotions through meditation, identifying negative feelings before they spiraled. Avoiding emotional reactivity improved her decision-making.

As Michelle built resilience, she leaned into her core purpose: empowering women in need. She mentored young girls through a nonprofit and reclaimed her adventurous spirit by signing up for a challenging hike to raise funds for abuse survivors. Helping others filled Michelle’s life with meaning.

Letting go of rigid mindsets was the final piece. Michelle tried to listen without judgment and understand perspectives different from hers. Over time, this openness allowed her to develop greater wisdom.

Michelle’s mental strength flourished within one year of focusing on the six habits. She handled work frustrations with grace, rebounded quickly from disappointments, and infused all areas of life with purpose and gratitude. Michelle regained the inner fortitude to pursue her goals and live with optimism.

Developing mental muscle requires dedication but allows us to live with resilience. Hopefully, the habits explored in this article have inspired you to build your mental strength. Let’s recap what we covered:

  • Practicing self-compassion helps you bounce back from failures without harsh self-criticism. It also allows you to acknowledge your inherent self-worth, independent of external achievement. Try writing a compassionate letter to yourself when you are struggling.
  • Cultivating resilience allows you to adapt to adversity, whether that means a pandemic, job loss, injury, or grief. Stay current on skills that make you valuable. See change as an opportunity. Implement tools like meditation to reduce stress.
  • Gratitude transforms outlook. Those who regularly express thanks for life’s gifts live with reduced anxiety, stronger relationships, and improved sleep. Make it a habit to reflect on blessings, even during hard times.
  • Emotional intelligence enables you to connect meaningfully with others by understanding cues that reveal how they feel. It also involves managing your own emotions constructively. Stay curious about what emotions motivate your behavior and reactions.
  • Seeking purpose provides deep fulfillment and satisfaction. Ask yourself how you can contribute to the greater good. Helping others reinforces our shared humanity. Use skills like public speaking or carpentry to support causes that matter.
  • Approaching life with an open mind allows us to evolve our thinking based on new information and evidence constantly. Seek out perspectives different from your own. Listen attentively. Be willing to change entrenched beliefs.


I hope this exploration of essential habits practiced by the mentally strong motivates you to build your mental muscle. Which pattern resonated most? Consider focusing there first. Committing to developing just a few of these skills, you will shift how you respond to all of life’s ups and downs. Renewed inner strength and purpose await.