15 Best Frugal Living Tips To Save You a Lot of Money

15 Best Frugal Living Tips To Save You a Lot of Money

Frugal living has become increasingly popular as housing, transportation, healthcare, and education costs have skyrocketed. With salaries failing to keep up with inflation, many people have turned to cutting costs and living thriftily as a solution. Implementing frugal living strategies can lead to significant savings over time without requiring huge lifestyle sacrifices. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 35 easy and practical frugal living tips you can use today to save money and get your finances on track.

Why Frugal Living is Worth It

The main benefit of frugal living is saving and retaining more of your hard-earned money. When you carefully monitor your spending habits and make intelligent reductions, you free up room in your budget to pay off debt, build an emergency fund, invest, and work towards other financial goals. Adopting a frugal mindset helps curb unnecessary spending on impulse purchases so you can focus on needs vs. wants. Frugal living also aligns well with environmental sustainability efforts since it minimizes resource consumption. Implementing some of the strategies in this guide will help identify wasted money each month that you can redirect to debts or savings. Be patient but persistent, and you will see the savings compound.

Tips for Saving on Food

Food is one of the most significant and controllable expenses for most households. Get more bang for your buck at the grocery store with these tips:

1. Meal Plan and Shop with a Grocery List

Plan your meals for the week ahead of time and make a grocery list to avoid buying extras you don’t need. Sticking to your list will reduce impulse purchases and food waste.

2. Buy Generic Brands

Opt for generic or store-brand items instead of pricier name brands. The quality and taste are usually comparable, while generic brands can cost 30-50% less.

3. Cook Meals at Home

Eat out less and cook more meals at home. You can control the ingredients better, and it costs a fraction of restaurant meals.

For example, making a simple pasta dinner with sauce, vegetables, and chicken breast at home may cost $3-5. Getting pasta with vegetables and chicken at a restaurant often costs $12-15 per entree once tip and tax are added.

4. Pack Your Lunch

Don’t waste money buying lunch every day. Pack leftovers or easy grab-and-go items like yogurt, fruit, and nuts.

Tips for Reducing Household Expenses

Housing costs are often the most significant regular expense. Use these tips to save on utilities, furnishings, and more:

5. Install Energy Efficient Appliances and Light Bulbs

Replace old appliances and light bulbs with EnergyStar-certified models. This will reduce electric and gas bills over time.

6. Lower the Thermostat

Keep the house a few degrees cooler in winter and warmer in summer to reduce HVAC costs.

7. Furnish with Secondhand Finds

Check thrift stores, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace for gently used furniture, decor, and kitchenware. Some items can be thoroughly cleaned or repainted to look new.

For example, buying a pre-owned solid wood dining table that typically retails for $800 can save you significant money.

Ways to Save on Transportation

Transportation is often the second most oversized budget line item. Use these tips to drive and commute for less:

8. Carpool to Work

Coordinate schedules with co-workers or neighbors to take turns driving and share gas costs.

9. Use Public Transportation or Walk/Bike More

Using your car less offsets gas, insurance, maintenance, and parking costs.

For instance, biking to work two days per week instead of driving could save $50+ per month for a 5-mile commute.

Reducing Leisure Spending

Discretionary spending on leisure activities like dining out, entertainment, and travel can add up. Use these strategies to maintain a thriving social life on the cheap:

10. Host Potlucks with Friends Instead of Going Out

Hosting dinner parties and potluck style cuts down food costs. Guests are usually happy to contribute a dish.

11. Look for Free Events and Entertainment

Check online event listings for free festivals, concerts in the park, museum days, etc. You can have fun experiences without spending much.

12. Be Strategic When Traveling

Off-peak travel saves money on airfare, hotels, and attractions. Consider road trip vacations instead of flying.

Miscellaneous Frugal Living Hacks

These additional tips help round out your frugal living efforts:

13. Cancel Unused Memberships and Subscriptions

Evaluate what subscriptions aren’t getting used or are duplicative. Trim them to save.

14. Negotiate Better Rates with Service Providers

Call companies like cable, internet, insurance, and cell phone providers and negotiate cheaper pricing. Being an existing customer often provides leverage.

15. Avoid Convenience Fees When Possible

Opt to pay bills via bank transfer or mail instead of through services that charge convenience fees.

Marissa’s Transition to Frugal Living

Marissa is a 29-year-old marketing professional with $18,000 in credit card debt and $5,000 in student loans. She recently started a budget to take control of her finances and pay off debt. Here’s how using the frugal living strategies from this guide is helping Marissa:

  • She began meal prepping on Sundays to bring quick, healthy lunches to work instead of eating out. This saves $8-12 per day.
  • Marissa switched to taking public transportation to the office. Her monthly transportation pass is $60 cheaper than gas, and parking fees were for driving.
  • She furnished her apartment almost entirely with secondhand furniture in excellent condition from thrift stores and Facebook Marketplace. Her beautiful living room makeover only cost $350 instead of $2,000+.
  • Marissa has stopped accepting every happy hour and dinner invitation from friends for now. Instead, she suggests cheaper activities like hiking, game nights, or picnics in the park.
  • She negotiated with her cable company for a cheaper rate by mentioning she was considering canceling. Her new monthly bill is $30 less per month.

Marissa has increased her debt payments by $520 per month in just two months by reducing spending in these areas. She’s on track to be debt-free in 3 years. Marissa feels empowered by her frugal wins and looks forward to saving even more long-term.


Frugal living requires some sacrifice, occasionally saying no to treats or conveniences you may be used to. However, the trade-off is worth it when you can finally achieve financial goals aligning with your values and build savings. Start small by implementing a few new frugal habits each month. As they become routine, you’ll not miss previous spending habits. Embrace frugality as an empowering challenge to spur you towards financial freedom.