7 Things the Rich Do That Poor People Don’t Do

7 Things the Rich Do That Poor People Don’t Do

In the realm of financial success, certain habits and decisions often differentiate the affluent from those struggling to make ends meet. Financial success is often a blend of habits, mindset, opportunities, and, sometimes, a bit of luck. While systemic issues can significantly affect economic disparities, specific patterns and practices are commonly associated with the wealthy. While external circumstances, timing, and opportunities undeniably play a role, there are particular practices that many wealthy individuals focus on executing consistently. Delving into these habits can offer insights into the mindset and strategies that often lead to accumulating and maintaining wealth. This article explores seven pivotal patterns, drawing from extensive research, studies, and real-life examples.

Seven things rich people do that poor people do not do:

  1. Wealthy individuals prioritize continuous learning and self-education.
  2. They invest early in their life and make wise financial decisions.
  3. The rich build and maintain a solid professional and personal network.
  4. They set clear, measurable goals for various aspects of their lives.
  5. Many live frugally, often below their means, prioritizing saving over excessive spending.
  6. Diversifying income sources: they often have multiple streams of income.
  7. They are willing to take calculated risks after thorough research and consideration.

Keep reading for a deeper dive into seven things the rich often do that set them apart.

1. Prioritizing Continuous Learning and Self-Education

Research has consistently shown that lifelong learning is a hallmark of many successful individuals. For instance, a study by Thomas Corley in his book “Rich Habits” found that 88% of the wealthy read for self-improvement for 30 minutes or more each day. This commitment to learning only sometimes means formal education. Many wealthy individuals invest time in reading books, attending seminars, seeking mentors, and staying updated with industry trends. By continuously feeding their minds with new information and skills, they position themselves for more significant opportunities and better decision-making. Many people that become wealthy went to private schools as children and were well educated before even starting college. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are great examples of having amazing early educations where they were able to get into Harvard but by then didn’t even need to graduate. All wealthy people from Charlie Munger to Warren Buffett are avid readers of nonfiction books and continue to learn and grow throughout their life.

2. Investing Early and Wisely

The principle of compounding gains underscores the importance of investing early. Research studies indicate that those who start investing in their 20s are more likely to accumulate wealth than those who begin later based on historical stock market returns and math. Moreover, the rich don’t just invest impulsively. They research, seek advice, and make informed decisions, ensuring their money works for them, a principle emphasized in books like “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham.

3. Building Strong Networks for Success

Keith Ferrazzi’s “Never Eat Alone” emphasizes the power of networking. Building and nurturing relationships can lead to opportunities that might not be available otherwise. This includes partnerships, investment opportunities, business deals, and even mentorships. By surrounding themselves with other motivated and successful individuals, they open doors to growth and knowledge.

4. Setting and Pursuing Clear Goals

Direction and purpose are crucial for any journey. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, found that individuals are 42% more likely to achieve their goals just by writing them down. Successful individuals often set clear, measurable goals for their finances, careers, and personal lives. These goals act as a roadmap, guiding their decisions and actions. [1]

5. Embracing Frugality and Living Below Their Means

Contrary to the stereotype of the flashy millionaire, many wealthy individuals are pretty frugal. A classic example is Warren Buffett, who still lives in the house he bought in 1958. By understanding the value of money and prioritizing saving and investing over extravagant spending, they ensure a financial cushion for themselves. Books like “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko delve deep into this frugal mindset of many millionaires.

6. Diversifying Income for Financial Stability

Relying on a single source of income can be risky. Economic downturns, industry shifts, or personal setbacks can jeopardize one’s financial stability. Wealthy individuals often have multiple streams of income. Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad” emphasizes this importance, suggesting investments in assets over liabilities. This diversification provides a safety net and increases their earning potential.

7. Taking Calculated Risks for Greater Rewards

While risk might deter some, the wealthy understand that greater risk often comes with greater reward. However, this doesn’t mean they’re reckless. Research into the wealthy have found repeatedly that wealthy individuals take more calculated risks than others. Before diving into an investment or business venture, they’ll research, plan, and sometimes seek expert advice. Wealth is the side effect of smart and calculated risk-taking in business, investing, or trading.

Key Takeaways

  • Lifelong Learning: Successful individuals consistently engage in self-improvement and skill enhancement.
  • Early Financial Ventures: Starting investments and businesses at a younger age can lead to significant wealth accumulation through the power of time and compounding growth.
  • Valuable Connections: Cultivating meaningful relationships can unlock numerous opportunities.
  • Purposeful Direction: Clearly defined and documented objectives often lead to higher achievement rates.
  • Prudent Spending: Many affluent individuals practice careful spending and prioritize savings.
  • Income Multiplicity: Ensuring multiple revenue streams can offer stability and growth.
  • Measured Boldness: Wealth often comes from well-researched and deliberate risk-taking.


The journey to financial prosperity is often paved with deliberate choices, informed decisions, and a commitment to growth. Embracing continuous education, nurturing valuable relationships, and making informed financial decisions are pivotal. While external factors play a role, integrating these principles can significantly influence one’s economic trajectory. The essence lies in understanding the value of money, seizing opportunities with discernment, and maintaining a clear vision for the future.

While these habits are commonly associated with the wealthy, they can be adopted by anyone looking to improve their financial situation. It’s also essential to recognize that personal habits are just one piece of the puzzle. Systemic issues, access to opportunities, and individual circumstances also significantly influence financial outcomes. However, integrating some of these practices into one’s life can pave the way for much greater odds of financial success.