6 Common Frugal Habits I Refuse to Follow

6 Common Frugal Habits I Refuse to Follow

In personal finance, frugality often stands as a beacon for many aiming to achieve financial success. While saving money and cutting costs have merits, it’s crucial to understand that everyone’s financial journey and priorities differ. In pursuing frugality, many individuals adopt habits that promise significant savings and a streamlined lifestyle. However, while these standard practices can benefit some, they aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. As someone who values both financial wisdom and quality of life, there are several popular cost-cutting measures I consciously choose not to embrace. In this article, I’m diving deeper into six common frugal habits that many champion but I personally opted out of early on my journey to wealth building. Keep reading as I explore the reasons behind these decisions and the balance between saving and spending for a more prosperous life experience.

Six common frugal habits I refuse to follow:

  1. I don’t do home improvement projects myself
  2. I don’t do car maintenance
  3. I pay for lawncare and landscaping
  4. I rarely buy generic name brand grocery items
  5. I have my groceries delivered
  6. I will happily pay for meal delivery when I don’t feel like going out

Let me explain the reasons behind my choices and the cost/benefit analysis for each:

1. I Don’t Do Home Improvement Projects Myself

I always hire a professional for home improvement projects. The primary reason is the assurance of quality. While cost-effective, DIY projects can sometimes lead to errors, especially for inexperienced in the field. These mistakes can be costly in the long run, requiring further repairs or adjustments. I have great analytical skills for math, data, and business but I am terrible with physical tasks. I couldn’t do most basic plumbing and home installation projects if I tried. I happily outsource to a professional plumber, electrician, or contractor and it’s always money well spent.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: I might pay more upfront by hiring a professional, but I save in potential future costs. Additionally, the time I would spend learning, buying tools, and executing the project can be better utilized elsewhere, providing a better return on investment regarding personal productivity and peace of mind.

2. I Don’t Do Car Maintenance

I always pay a professional for tasks like oil changes, brake installations, and spark plug replacements. Cars are intricate machines; minor oversights can lead to significant issues in performance and safety. I don’t like working on cars and I’m terrible at it.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: While I might pay more for services of professional mechanics, I also pay for expertise and peace of mind. The repair costs can be astronomical if a mistake occurs during a DIY maintenance task. Moreover, regular professional check-ups can identify potential problems early, preventing more expensive issues in the future.

3. I Pay For Lawncare and Landscaping

I did mow many lawns for money as a kid and my own lawn up until my 20s. The one thing I learned from doing it myself is that I didn’t like doing it. Paying my lawncare and landscaping guy has always been one of my happiest expenses regardless of how high my net worth was at the time. I also don’t garden and instead just buy fruits and vegetables at the store. While gardening can be therapeutic for many, the time, effort, and initial investment in tools and seeds can be substantial. It’s just not my thing. I would like to have some mature fruit trees, but I would have someone else plant them, and the growth takes time.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: By outsourcing lawn care and landscaping, I ensure a consistently well-maintained yard without personal time used or the needed investment in and maintenance of all the equipment needed. Buying produce from the store can sometimes be more cost-effective and less time-consuming when factoring in the costs of gardening tools, seeds, and potential failures.

4. I Rarely Buy Generic Name Brand Grocery Items

I prefer the quality of name-brand grocery items most of the time. While generic brands can offer savings, the taste, consistency, and overall quality of name brands often stand out.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: The slightly higher cost of name brands often ensures a product that meets my expectations. Over time, buying generic items I don’t enjoy can lead to waste, negating savings. Investing in quality ensures satisfaction and reduces waste. Thinking in terms of quality can be a good filter for all frugal choices. Always ask “Is it worth the price?” whether it’s expensive or cheap.

5. I Have My Groceries Delivered

I don’t mind paying people to do tasks I hate. The convenience of having groceries delivered directly to my doorstep is unparalleled. It saves me from the stress of navigating crowded aisles, finding things, impulse purchases, and the time spent traveling to and from the store. I think grocery delivery is one of the best values for a service and quality of life improvement for a very low price.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: While there’s a delivery fee, the time saved can be used for other productive tasks. Additionally, by avoiding impulse purchases, I often find that my grocery bills are more controlled, offsetting the delivery costs. It usually pays for itself with me buying only what I need. It’s a great way to stick to your shopping list.

6. I Will Happily Pay For Meal Delivery When I Don’t Feel Like Going Out

It’s an excellent quality-of-life hack, but I usually only do it once a week. Meal delivery services offer a break from cooking and the chance to enjoy diverse cuisines without the hassle of preparation or going out. I love the indulgence.

Cost/Benefit Analysis: While meal delivery can be pricier than cooking at home, the convenience, time saved, and the joy of a professionally cooked meal can often justify the expense. When used judiciously, it’s a treat that can fit into a balanced budget while enhancing life quality.

Key Takeaways

  • Professional Expertise Over DIY: Investing in home and car maintenance experts can prevent costly errors and ensure longevity.
  • Valuing Time Over Manual Labor: Outsourcing tasks like lawn care allows for better personal time utilization and consistent results.
  • Quality Over Cost in Groceries: Opting for name brands can lead to better satisfaction and reduced wastage, even if slightly pricier.
  • Convenience as a Priority: Services like grocery and meal delivery can enhance your quality of life by saving time and reducing stress.
  • Strategic Spending: It’s essential to balance saving and investing in services that elevate one’s lifestyle.


Navigating the path of financial prudence doesn’t always mean choosing the least expensive option. It’s about discerning where to allocate resources for maximum value in terms of monetary savings and life enrichment. By understanding the nuances of strategic spending, one can craft a lifestyle that’s both economically sound and rich in quality. I can indulge in these quality of life improvements because I have been more frugal over my life in higher ticket things. I rarely bought new cars, huge houses, went on expensive vacations, or lived beyond my means as my income grew exponentially.

Of course everyone is different and other people may focus on just having their favorite car, biggest house, or most extravagant vacation if that is their priority and cutting out all other things. However, you must choose, if you try to do all of these things and live beyond your means you will stay broke.

Frugality is a profoundly personal journey. While cutting costs is essential, investing in services or products that genuinely enhance quality of life is equally crucial. Balancing savings with strategic spending can lead to a fulfilling and financially sound lifestyle. Your income level is your indicator of how many frugal habits you can reject.