Habits Can Make or Break Us

Habits Can Make or Break Us

Habits are the invisible architecture of our daily lives. They guide how we act, think, and feel every single day. The proper habits can propel you to success, while the wrong ones can sabotage you at every turn. In this article, we’ll explore why habits are so powerful, how to build good habits, break bad ones, and use habits to achieve your goals.

Why Habits Are So Powerful

Habits bypass decision-making – studies show that nearly 40% of our daily actions are performed habitually, without conscious thought. This saves mental energy but also means we get stuck in routines without evaluating if they serve us.

Habits also shape our identity and personality over time. Repeat an action enough times, and you become that type of person – brave or cowardly, healthy or unhealthy, productive or lazy. The compound effect of habits makes them incredibly powerful.

For example, reading ten pages daily may seem minimal, but doing that daily for a year results in 3,650 pages read. The 1% improvements habits confer end up producing remarkable results over the long term.

Unfortunately, bad habits also compound over time. A minor flaw in your system, repeated continuously, ends up causing big problems. Just consider how getting one takeout meal instead of cooking doesn’t derail your weekly health goals. But getting takeout several times a week adds up, adding pounds and financial costs.

How to Build Good Habits

When trying to build a good habit, start small. Focus on successfully creating the habit, not seeing significant results immediately. Make the habit obvious, adding visual cues and triggers in your environment reminding you to do it.

You also want to make the habit attractive. Associate positive feelings and satisfaction with performing the habit. Make it as easy as possible to reduce friction or obstacles. And reward yourself each time you do the habit, reinforcing it. This all builds the habit loop in your brain.

For example, to develop an exercise habit, you may leave your workout clothes by your bed as a visual trigger, schedule morning workouts when you have the most energy, join a friend to make it social and reward yourself with a smoothie afterward.

How to Break Bad Habits

To successfully break a bad habit, first identify what triggers the habit. What situational cue is prompting you to perform it? Simply being aware reduces doing it mindlessly.

Next, isolate the reward of the bad habit. What need is it fulfilling? If you go for a cookie when stressed, the cookie provides short-term comfort. Find a replacement activity that satisfies the same need better, like calling a friend.

Introduce friction to make the lousy habit more challenging to do by adding obstacles. If you waste time online, delete social apps from your phone and block distracting websites you visit.

Then, replace the bad habit with an excellent alternative habit. If you watch too much TV, replace that habit with reading books for an hour before bed. This makes the transition easier by providing a substitute.

Finally, alter your environment and routines to remove triggers prompting the bad habit. If the candy jar in your office leads to unhealthy snacking, remove the temptation entirely.

Using Habits to Achieve Goals

One of the most powerful ways to apply habits is by linking them to your goals. Want to run a marathon? It requires building a daily running habit. I wish you were fluent in Spanish. Make a habit of practicing for 15 minutes daily.

Whatever your goal – losing weight, publishing a book, getting out of debt – there is always an accompanying habit supporting it. Habits get you where motivation and willpower fail you. They keep you on track on the days you lack inspiration when urgent issues demand your attention.

Case Study

For years, Amy wanted to achieve financial independence and retire early. But she never seemed to make progress on saving and investing more. It was always pushed off for the future.

Then Amy started actively building habits to support her goal. She set up automatic transfers from her paycheck into investments. She meal prepped on Sundays, so healthy eating was accessible throughout the week. She scheduled weekly date nights with her husband rather than going out.

Within just two years, Amy had turned around her financial situation through the compound effect of her new habits. She was saving over 40% of her income and on track to retire decades sooner than the traditional age.

The habits Amy designed and implemented ended up completely transforming her life. She was no longer starting over each month without progress. Her habits created a system where reaching her goal was inevitable.


Here is an expanded conclusion for the article:

Habits truly are the invisible architecture that shapes our lives. By becoming aware of our habitual patterns, we can design better routines that align with our goals and values. The reward is compounding minor improvements into remarkable results over time.

While changing behaviors can feel daunting, it is within your control. Start by identifying one or two habits you want to build or break. Use proven techniques like adding cues, reducing friction, and introducing rewards to create new habit loops steadily. Be patient with yourself in this process – change takes time, but it is always possible.

The power is within you. Your habits do not control you; you control your habits. By making this daily choice, your habits will transform your life.