Good & Bad Habits

Good & Bad Habits

Our daily habits and routines can either uplift our lives or gradually wear them down. That’s because habits are potent forces that shape our days through repetition and reinforcement. The proper habits nourish us, while the wrong ones drain our potential. This article will explore the tremendous power habits have to become ingrained, provide illustrative examples of beneficial versus harmful habits, and offer research-backed tips for intentionally shaping your routines rather than letting them control you.

How Habits Are Formed

Habits operate through a “habit loop” – a predictable cue, behavior, and reward cycle. The cue, or trigger, kicks off the urge to perform the habit. This could be a time of day, emotion, location, or other external stimuli.

The behavior is the actual habit performed in reaction to the cue, like snacking when bored or checking your phone when you get a notification.

Finally, the reward is the satisfaction derived from the habit. This reward provides positive or negative reinforcement that shapes whether the habit loop continues.

With enough repetition, habits can form neurological pathways that make them automatic and subconscious instead of intentional behaviors.

Examples of Good Habits

Now let’s explore some examples of positive, life-enhancing habits along with their benefits:

Exercising several times per week

Regular exercise provides incredible health benefits like reduced risk of chronic illness, increased longevity, weight management, boosted energy, and reduced stress. Starting a consistent workout routine not only improves physical health but also mental health.

Meditating daily

Consistent meditation has been shown to physically change the brain and reduce anxiety, negative thinking, and emotional reactivity while increasing focus and emotional resilience. Even just 10 minutes per day can impart great benefits.

Reading often

Reading regularly for pleasure boosts vocabulary, memory, empathy, communication skills, and focus. Set aside time each day to read instead of watching television or browsing social media.

Writing in a journal

Journaling helps process emotions, boost self-awareness, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep. Make it part of your daily or weekly routine.

Drinking more water

Proper hydration is linked to increased energy, easier weight management, improved skin and digestion, lowered disease risk, and better athletic performance.

Examples of Bad Habits

Now let’s review some everyday bad habits that can negatively impact one’s health and happiness:


Well known to cause lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, asthma, infertility, and other serious ailments. It also creates untold stresses on relationships and finances.

Biting your nails

This habit not only harms the appearance of your nails but also increases the risk of infection in the nail bed area. It can lead to dental issues as well from overuse of teeth.

Constantly checking phone

Mindlessly checking notifications or scrolling social media encourages distraction and harms productivity. It also contributes to poor sleep quality if done before bed.

Staying up too late

Delaying sleep is linked to an increased risk for health problems like obesity, depression, anxiety, irritability, and reduced concentration and performance.

Watching too much TV

Excessive television has been correlated with increased depression, loneliness, inactivity, obesity, poor sleep quality, and loss of valuable time.

Tips for Shaping Habits

The good news is that you can intentionally leverage the habit loop to shape your daily routines. Here are some research-backed tips:

Identify cues

Increase awareness of habit triggers and patterns. Use a tracking log.

Reduce exposure to cues

Avoid or alter environmental triggers that prompt undesirable habits.

Replace with new habits

Substitute an existing habit for a more positive one.

Use accountability

Share your habit goals with a friend or partner. Accountability boosts motivation.

Track consistency

Note your adherence and celebrate when you stick with the new routine. Tracking progress helps build habits through motivation.

Start small

Don’t overhaul everything at once. Change takes time. Focus on one new habit at a time.

Don’t beat yourself up

Progress isn’t linear. If you slip up, get back on track instead of giving up entirely.

Case Study: How Nathan Shaped New Habits

Nathan had several habits he wanted to change, including smoking, staying up too late, and eating junk food. But he struggled to stick to any positive habit for over a week.

First, Nathan identified his habit cues – he tended to smoke and eat junk food when stressed or bored in the evenings. He also realized he would stay up scrolling on his phone, which disrupted his sleep.

To reduce cues, Nathan disabled all but essential apps on his phone and removed junk food from his home. He picked up a gym membership to work out when bored.

Nathan also asked his roommate to help hold him accountable for his sleep and diet goals. Nathan made a simple chart to track progress and checked off each day he stuck to his new routine.

It wasn’t easy, but Nathan replaced his bad habits over two months with new ones – exercise, nutritious meals, and a consistent sleep schedule. He felt healthier and more in control of his routines.


As we can see, habits wield tremendous influence over our health and quality of life. But with awareness and intention, we can shape habits consciously by leveraging the habit loop rather than letting it control us.

Start by adding one small positive habit and reducing one harmful habit. Consistency and progress are key. Over time, the compound effects of good habits can be life-changing.