Unusual Frugal Habits That Will Help You Keep More Money in Your Pocket

Unusual Frugal Habits That Will Help You Keep More Money in Your Pocket

The average American household spends over $60,000 annually on non-essentials like dining out, entertainment, clothes, and hobbies. Adopting some unusual frugal habits can dramatically reduce these discretionary expenses. With consistent practice, these habits can help you bank the extra money or use it to pay off debt or boost savings. By thinking outside the box, you may discover many surprising methods to spend less and save more.

This article will cover seven unusual ideas to change your spending habits. For each, an example will showcase how real people have implemented the advice in their lives. From repurposing trash to skipping the car, these tips will open your eyes to creative ways to stop money leaking from your wallet. While not all the habits may be feasible for everyone, the ideas will spark inspiration to analyze your expenses and determine innovative ways to reduce them.

Repurposing and Upcycling Old Items

Trash, junk, and discarded materials can gain a new life through repurposing and upcycling. These techniques transform something old and unused into something useful again. Upcycling reuse materials to create a product with a higher value than the original item.

For example, an old dresser missing knobs and drawers became a bathroom sink stand. The usable drawers were cleaned and inserted back in, while the cabinet now holds bath supplies. This creative repurposing saved the cost of buying a new bath storage unit.

Check your trash and examine unwanted belongings with fresh eyes. See the potential in old furniture, sheets, clothes, jars, wood scraps, etc. You can give rejected items renewed purpose with some DIY skills and imagination.

Performing DIY Home Maintenance and Repairs

While DIY home projects require some effort, they can save the high costs of hiring contractors. Typical repairs like fixing leaky faucets, replacing switches, and patching walls are more straightforward than they appear.

One family used YouTube tutorials to learn how to replace their water heater when it broke. Although intimidating at first, the project only took a few hours. By doing it themselves, they saved $500 in labor fees.

Arm yourself with essential tools, watch tutorial videos, and gain confidence in tackling repairs. Inspect issues quickly before they worsen and estimate the DIY feasibility. Be cautious with complex electrical and plumbing jobs. Home maintenance prevents costly damages and keeps more money in your pocket.

Going Vegetarian or Vegan

Eliminating meat from your diet reduces grocery costs substantially. Meat is often one of the priciest items people buy. Resisting packaged convenience foods and preparing your plant-based meals saves significantly.

One woman went from spending $80 per week on meat to $30 per week as a vegetarian. She meal preps lentils, beans, peas, eggs, and in-season vegetables. Her simple but nourishing meals help her save $50 weekly or $200 per month.

With creativity, you can make delicious vegetarian meals focused on staples like legumes, eggs, tofu, and dairy. Take advantage of produce deals at farmer’s markets. Your health will benefit, too, from increased fiber and reduced saturated fats.

Skipping Restaurant Meals

Dining out can quickly devour a budget. The average restaurant meal costs $13 versus $4 for home cooking. Challenge yourself to eat out less and whip up fast, healthy meals at home.

One man who ate out for lunch daily started bringing a brown bag meal to work instead. He invested time on Sundays to prepare five simple lunches for the week. By eliminating his $ 10-weekday lunch habit, he saved $50 weekly, or $200 monthly.

Get motivated by finding yummy recipes that excite your palate. Cook in bulk and use leftovers for lunches. Set a monthly limit for dining out to curb the temptation. Skipping restaurant meals keeps thousands of dollars yearly in your wallet.

Using Public Transit or Cycling

Trading car commutes for public transportation, or cycling slashes transportation costs. Biking also provides free exercise built into your daily routine.

After totaling her car, one woman switched to busing to her downtown office job. She purchases a discounted monthly bus pass for $50 versus gas, parking, and car payments that exceeded $300 monthly before. She enjoys relaxing and catching up on reading while commuting.

Evaluate your commute distance and access to bike lanes or public transit. Apps like Google Maps make planning trips easy. Many employers subsidize or fully cover transit passes. See if coworkers want to share rides. Going car-free saves you money and benefits the environment.

Borrowing Books Instead of Buying

Libraries provide an endless supply of free books and entertainment. Take advantage of this community resource instead of buying books, movies, and music. Public library apps also offer free e-books, audiobooks, and streaming.

An avid reader could easily spend $100 or more monthly on new books. Now one bookworm exclusively borrows from her local branch and digital collection. She reads even more by accessing an unlimited catalog of titles. Beyond books, she borrows movies, attends free classes, and utilizes library WiFi.

Browse your library’s online catalog for an overview of their offerings. Sign up for apps like Libby to manage loans on your phone. If selection is limited, consider an interlibrary loan. Avoid late fees by returning or renewing items on time. The library helps you save money while entertaining yourself.

Repairing Instead of Replacing Items

Our throwaway culture encourages replacing over repairing. But many electronics, appliances, clothes, and household items can be fixed for a fraction of the replacement cost. YouTube now hosts DIY repair videos for just about anything.

After a simple button reattachment, one man saved his favorite $80 dress shirt from the donation pile. A woman breathed new life into an old laptop by swapping out its hard drive instead of junking it. Even knowledge of basic stitches can save wardrobes.

Examine your broken belongings to determine if they are fixable. Order inexpensive replacement parts online as needed. Ask grandparents or YouTube for repair tips. Look for repair cafes and classes in your community. Mending your items saves their cost many times over.

Sarah’s Story: Unusual Frugal Habits That Changed My Life

Sarah struggled with $8,000 of credit card debt and a money pit older car when she embraced unusual frugal living. Here is how she implemented creative saving tactics to cut her expenses in half and pay off debt:

  • Sarah moved to a smaller apartment near public transit, allowing her to sell her unreliable car. Her housing and transport costs dropped by $400 monthly.
  • She committed to a meatless diet, cutting her monthly grocery bill from $300 to $200.
  • Sarah canceled expensive cable TV and gym memberships, relying on free entertainment like the library, parks, and YouTube.
  • She mended and repurposed clothes versus buying new ones. Thrift store finds supplemented her wardrobe.
  • Using YouTube tutorials, Sarah performed DIY repairs on her bike, phone, and other possessions.
  • She meal-prepped simple, healthy lunches to bring to the office rather than eat out.

Within 18 months, Sarah paid off all her credit card debt. She socked extra money into savings and retirement funds. Sarah discovered contentment and creativity, living with fewer possessions and expenses. Her unusual frugal habits improved her financial situation and outlook on life.


Frugality reaches far beyond generic tips like couponing. With openness to unconventional ideas, you can discover many creative ways to trim expenses and keep money in your pocket. Repurposing trash, using public transit, repairing clothes, and borrowing books are just a few unusual habits that can reap savings.

Consider your lifestyle and spending weaknesses. Which unusual frugal habits could benefit you? Curb expenses without depriving yourself through ingenuity. A little thoughtfulness and effort yield outsized financial rewards. Use the extra money to knock out debt, build emergency savings, or donate to charity. Unleash your inner frugal warrior and creatively save your way to financial freedom.