8 Best Compounding Assets to Start Investing In Now

8 Best Compounding Assets to Start Investing In Now

In the investing world, no magic formula promises overnight riches. Still, there is a powerful strategy that Albert Einstein reportedly referred to as the “eighth wonder of the world.”

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” – Albert Einstein

That strategy is compounding and can potentially turn modest initial investments into significant wealth over time. In this article, we’ll explore a selection of investment opportunities where the principle of compounding is at play, each offering unique benefits and potential returns. Whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting, these assets could be your key to unlocking long-term financial growth on returns.

Investing is a powerful way to build wealth, and the principle of compounding is the key to unlocking its full potential. The compounding effect turns your wealth into a perpetual growth tool, providing returns not only on your initial investment but also growth on the higher value of your investments. Let’s dive in.

What is Compounding?

Compounding, in the context of investing, refers to the process where the value of an investment increases because the earnings on an investment, both capital gains, dividends, income, and interest, grow as well. In other words, compounding results in earnings on the initial principal amount and the accumulated interest or returns from previous periods.

This is often called “interest on interest,” “compounding gains,” or “compound interest.” It’s a powerful concept in investing because it can cause wealth to grow significantly over time. The longer the time frame, the more significant the impact of compounding.

For example, if you invest $1,000 and earn a 10% annual return, you would earn $100 in the first year. In the second year, you would earn 10% on your new total balance of $1,100, so you would earn $110. This process continues over time, and the investment grows more quickly as the earnings accumulate.

This same concept applies to investments that may not specifically pay interest but still grow and produce returns over time, such as stocks or real estate.

Best compounding investments:

  1. Real Estate
  2. Stocks
  3. Bonds
  4. Mutual Funds
  5. Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
  6. Rental Properties
  7. Growth Business
  8. Digital Assets (Intellectual property, book royalties, websites, YouTube Channels, etc.)

1. Real Estate

Real estate is one of the most common and lucrative forms of investment. This tangible asset tends to appreciate over time, often outpacing inflation. Real estate is a compounding asset because of its potential for capital appreciation to grow wealth.

When you own real estate, such as a personal residence or a building, its value can appreciate over time due to factors like improvements in the property, demand in the real estate market, and broader economic growth. This appreciation can be significant, especially when viewed over a long-term horizon. If your house goes up 5% in value one year, then 5% the following year, it is compounding the previous growth year over year.

The appreciation of a house’s value year over year is an example of compounding growth. Let’s use your example of a house worth $500,000:

In the first year, if the house appreciates by 5%, the house would increase in value by $25,000 ($500,000 * 5%). Therefore, by the end of the first year, the house would be worth $525,000 ($500,000 + $25,000).

In the second year, if the house again appreciates by 5%, the increase is now calculated based on the new value of $525,000, not the original $500,000. Therefore, the house would increase in value by $26,250 ($525,000 * 5%) in the second year.

So by the end of the second year, the house would be worth $551,250 ($525,000 + $26,250).

This process exemplifies the power of compounding — the house’s value is not just growing based on the original amount. Still, it is growing based on the new, more considerable amount each subsequent year.

2. Stocks

Stocks represent ownership in a company and can offer significant returns over the long term. As companies grow and profits rise, the value of your stock increases.

Let’s break down how compounding works with capital gains using an example of a $100 stock increasing by 10% in price two years in a row.

In the first year, if your stock worth $100 appreciates by 10%, the increase in value would be $10 ($100 * 10%). Therefore, by the end of the first year, the stock would be worth $110 ($100 + $10).

In the second year, if the stock again appreciates by 10%, the increase is now calculated based on the new value of $110, not the original $100. Therefore, the stock would increase in value by $11 ($110 * 10%) in the second year.

So, by the end of the second year, the stock would be worth $121 ($110 + $11).

This process is a clear demonstration of compounding — the stock’s value is not just growing based on the original amount, but it’s growing based on the new, higher amount each subsequent year. Over time, especially over many years, this compounding effect can lead to significant growth in the value of an investment.

3. Bonds

Bonds, or fixed-income securities, provide regular interest payments over a specified period, ending with the return on the initial investment. The consistent income from bonds can be reinvested in buying more bonds, allowing you to benefit from the power of compounding, making them a stable and predictable investment.

4. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds pool money from many investors to buy a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets. The diversity of mutual funds allows for reduced risk and the potential for steady growth. Any returns or dividends can be reinvested, leveraging the power of compounding.

5. Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)

DRIPs automatically reinvest the dividends from a stock back into buying more shares, compounding the investment’s growth over time. This plan consistently takes advantage of the compounding effect without additional transaction fees. You use the income from the dividends that your stocks create to buy more shares of stock, compounding the value of your portfolio over time and the size of your dividend payouts.

6. Rental Properties

Like real estate investment, owning rental properties is a powerful way to earn recurring income. The rent can cover the property’s expenses and mortgage, while the property likely appreciates. This stable income can be reinvested to acquire more rental properties, creating a compounding effect.

7. Growth Business

Investing in a growth-oriented business by starting your own or buying into an existing one can provide substantial returns as the business expands. As the business grows and profits increase, the initial investment can multiply, creating a solid compounding effect.

8. Digital Assets

Investing or building digital assets can lead to significant compounding growth in the digital age. These assets include intellectual properties, royalties from books or music, revenue-generating websites, or YouTube channels. As these digital properties draw more traffic or sales, the earnings can be reinvested to grow the business further.

These are just a few assets that can harness the power of compounding. Remember, the earlier you start investing, the more time your investments have to grow and compound. Always do thorough research or consult a financial advisor before making investment decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Your house can act like a compounding asset if it consistently grows in value yearly.
  • Real estate investment, including acquiring rental properties, offers the twofold advantage of value appreciation and regular income streams.
  • Equity investments, such as stocks and mutual funds, allow for participation in the economic growth and profitability of corporations.
  • Bonds deliver dependable interest earnings over specified periods, offering an avenue for stable and predictable financial growth.
  • Automatic reinvestment systems like Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs) can amplify the compounding effect by eliminating additional transaction costs.
  • Investing in or building a growing business provides the possibility of substantial returns as the enterprise develops and profits multiply.
  • The digital domain offers opportunities for impressive compounding growth through assets like intellectual properties, book royalties, profitable websites, and revenue-generating YouTube channels.


Harnessing the might of compounding to enhance your investment portfolio is a powerful strategy to secure long-term financial growth. It involves strategic investment in diverse assets—from tangible properties and financial instruments to flourishing businesses and digital properties. Each asset class offers unique advantages and potential returns, which can lead to remarkable growth over time when skillfully managed. Reinvesting the returns from these assets further stimulates the compounding effect, multiplying your wealth. So whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting your journey, remember that the key to financial success lies in understanding and utilizing the power of compounding to your advantage. The sooner you begin, the more your wealth can grow.