Stoicism & The Art of Not Caring

Stoicism & The Art of Not Caring

What is Stoicism?

Stoicism, hailing from the bygone era of Ancient Greece and later experiencing a resurgence of popularity in the annals of Ancient Rome, is a philosophical doctrine that focuses the mind with its emphasis on personal ethics and virtue as a pathway to an elusive state of happiness and tranquility. This philosophy delves into the intricacies of the human psyche, proffering the idea that one’s character and perception are the keys to unlocking the doors of inner peace and contentment, even amidst the tumultuous chaos of the external world. It posits that there exist two realms in life; the external, which is beyond our control, and the internal, where we hold the reins of power and can shape our destiny.

Importance of Stoicism in today’s world

In today’s world, where chaos and anxiety run rampant, the teachings and wisdom of Stoicism are more relevant than ever. Its principles can help individuals find calmness, presence, and resilience in a world filled with insatiable desires and cultural pressures. Stoicism offers a target of wisdom to aim for and a path to finding happiness and peace within oneself.

The Two Domains of Life in Stoicism

External Domain

The external domain refers to things outside our mind, such as the physical world and external events. According to Stoicism, the external domain is beyond our control, and we can’t change it through our desires or wills. We cannot ask the world to remove chaos, suffering, hardship, or uncertainty, nor can we force it to do so.

Internal Domain

The internal domain, a concept central to the teachings of Stoicism, refers to the labyrinthine landscape of our mental reactions and interpretations of the events and circumstances of the external world. It’s a domain we hold sway over, where our choices and actions determine the nature of our experiences. With this in mind, Stoicism posits that by honing our focus on the internal domain and exercising mastery over our reactions to the external world, we can attain a state of happiness and peace that originates from within ourselves rather than being dependent on external factors.

The Delusion of Ultimate Happiness and Security

The quest for happiness and security is a pervasive human longing that often leads people astray as they pursue the mirage of control over the conditions of the world around them. A desperate chase ensues as they hanker after wealth, fame, power, and material possessions, all in the vain hope that these external factors will bring them the elusive prize of happiness and security. However, this approach is founded on a fallacy – the false belief that happiness and security can be found outside oneself. This notion disregards the immutable truth that external factors are beyond our control and can never indeed provide the happiness and security that we so deeply yearn for.

In this ceaseless pursuit of external validation, people become captive to an endless cycle of needing more, never genuinely content, and always on the hunt for something more. This leads to an insatiable hunger for happiness and security that can never be satiated, a never-ending treadmill of want that leads to frustration and disappointment. The key to breaking this cycle is recognizing that happiness and security can only be found within oneself and not in the temporary and fleeting conditions of the external world.

The Sign of a Truly Successful Person

According to Stoicism, a truly successful person is one who can be happy without relying on external factors like wealth, fame, power, and material possessions. Such a person has learned to live appropriately without these things and derives joy from within. Stoicism encourages temporarily stripping oneself of the things one ordinarily depends on for comfort to prove to oneself how strong one truly is without these things. This helps people develop the fortitude to find happiness within themselves, regardless of external circumstances.

An excellent example of this type of person is one Roman Emperor. Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius is a prime example of a person who lived with little interest in self-indulgence in things outside himself. Despite having access to anything he could have ever wanted, he lived a simple life and created joy from within. He is a testament to the idea that a truly successful person is one who can be happy without relying on external factors.

The Practice of Stoicism

Stoicism, with its emphasis on the power of the internal domain, offers a way for individuals to untangle themselves from the tumultuous maelstrom of the external world and find solace within themselves. By focusing on their reactions and the formation of their perspective, individuals can cultivate a sense of happiness and contentment that is impervious to the vicissitudes of external events.

In the Stoic worldview, character, and perspective hold the keys to personal fulfillment and inner peace. By developing a solid character and maintaining a positive outlook, individuals can weather the storms of life and remain steadfast in their pursuit of happiness and contentment.

Stoicism instructs individuals to embrace acceptance and indifference towards the events of the world and direct their focus toward controlling their reactions to those events. This philosophy frees individuals from the grip of the chaos of the world. It empowers them to find happiness and peace within themselves, a sanctuary always within reach, no matter what the external world may bring.

The Importance of Time in Stoicism

Stoicism emphasizes the importance of handling one’s time wisely and deriving meaningful experiences. It suggests that individuals should focus on what is truly important and not waste their time on things that do not bring joy or fulfillment.

Stoicism views time as a precious commodity that should not be wasted. It teaches that individuals should strive to make the most of their time and not let it slip away, as it is impossible to get back once it’s gone. The philosophy encourages individuals to use their time wisely and find happiness and fulfillment in each moment rather than waiting for external circumstances to change.

The Danger of Following the Herd

People often fall into the trap of following the crowd and living their lives based on what is popular or what society deems acceptable. This often leads them away from finding their path and living a life that is truly fulfilling. Stoicism emphasizes the importance of defining happiness on one’s own terms and not basing it on external factors like wealth, fame, power, or material possessions. It encourages individuals to find happiness within themselves and live an authentic life to their values and beliefs.

From a sufficient distance, external factors like wealth, fame, power, and material possessions reveal themselves as petty and meaningless. Stoicism suggests that individuals should focus on what truly matters and not waste their time and energy on things that don’t bring true happiness and fulfillment. It encourages individuals to find happiness and peace within themselves, regardless of external circumstances.


Stoicism, a philosophical tradition steeped in the wisdom of the ages, advocates for individuals to seek happiness and peace within themselves rather than being tempted by the alluring yet ephemeral promises of external factors like wealth, fame, power, or material possessions. It also underscores the importance of wise time management and living a life that aligns with one’s values and beliefs.

Through its teachings, Stoicism empowers individuals to find happiness and peace within themselves by guiding them to focus on the internal domain and exercise control over their reactions to external events. It encourages individuals to savor the joys of each moment rather than waiting for external circumstances to change.

Despite its ancient origins, Stoicism remains highly relevant in today’s fast-paced, chaotic, and often overwhelming world. It offers individuals a beacon of hope, providing them with the tools to find calmness, presence, and resilience in the face of adversity. The teachings of Stoicism endure, offering timeless wisdom for individuals to strive towards, even in the most trying of circumstances.