8 Money Habits That Keep You Poor (Stop Self Sabotage)

8 Money Habits That Keep You Poor (Stop Self Sabotage)

Do you believe your financial situation will never improve, no matter how hard you try? The truth is that most people struggle financially because they unknowingly make mistakes. Overspending, improper budgeting, or simply being unaware of good money management strategies can all lead to a lower quality of life. This blog post will discuss eight common financial mistakes many people make and how to break those bad habits so that you can have the financial freedom and stability everyone desires.

1. Not keeping a budget

Many people are intimidated and overwhelmed when it comes to budgeting. They believe they can’t do it or can’t stick to it. This is understandable, especially if you’ve never done something like this. However, with some knowledge and planning, you can overcome your fear of budgeting and begin saving money.

It’s important to understand why you should budget. A budget allows you to keep track of your income and expenses, allowing you to see where your money is going. This is significant because it assists you in identifying areas where you can save money. And once you save money, you can start saving for an emergency fund and retirement.

Budgeting is not difficult, but it does necessitate some effort. You must be truthful about how much you earn and how much you spend. You must also be willing to change your spending habits. However, sticking to your budget becomes easier once you start.

If you’re unsure where to begin, numerous online resources are available, including websites and apps that can assist you in creating a budget that is tailored specifically to your needs. And if you ever have questions or need assistance sticking to your budget, there are numerous online forums and support groups where you can find advice and encouragement.

2. Not keeping track of your expenses

There are several approaches you can take when it comes to tracking your expenses. You can keep a physical notebook, a phone app, or a website. Whatever method you choose, the most important thing is to be consistent and keep track of your expenses.

If you’re using a physical notebook, note the date, the amount, and the purpose of the expense. If you’re using an app or website, enter the expense’s date, amount, and purpose. At the end of the month, you’ll easily see how much money you’ve spent and where it’s all gone.

Try categorizing your expenses if you’re having trouble keeping track of everything. This can help you understand where your money is going. Housing, transportation, food, entertainment, and clothing are all common categories.

Keeping track of your expenses can help you stay on top of your finances. Knowing how much you spend each month allows you to adjust your budget as needed. And by understanding where your money is going, you can save more effectively and end up with more money in your pocket.

3. Not knowing your credit score

Your credit score is a three-digit number that lenders use to determine how risky lending money to you is. The higher your credit score, the less risky you appear to lenders, and the more likely you will be approved for a loan with a lower interest rate.

Your credit score is calculated using information from your credit report, which is your credit history. Your credit score reflects how well you’ve previously managed your debts. Lenders use your credit score to determine your likelihood of repaying a new loan on time.

Your credit score is calculated using several factors, including:

  • The amount of debt you owe compared to the amount of credit you have available.
  • The average age of all your accounts and the age of your oldest account
  • How many times in the last year have you applied for new credit?
  • The most common type of credit you use
  • Each of your accounts’ payment history
  • The total amount of debt you currently owe

If you’re unhappy with it, you can do several things to improve your credit score. Begin by reviewing and correcting any errors on your credit report. You can also improve your payment history by paying your bills on time every month. And, if possible, keep your debt levels low to your available credit.

4. Not having a debt-reduction plan

Making a plan and sticking to it is crucial to getting out of debt. One way to do this is to determine how much money you can put toward monthly debt repayment. This may involve creating a budget that outlines your income, expenses, and debt payments.

A Debt Reduction Planner can be a useful tool to help you stay on track with your debt repayment goals. This planner typically involves setting up a payment schedule and tracking your progress. It may also involve prioritizing your debts and paying off the ones with the highest interest rates first.

To make your debt repayment plan as effective as possible, it’s important to be realistic about what you can afford to pay each month. Don’t overextend yourself or take on additional debt while paying off your debts. It may also be helpful to consider seeking the advice of a financial professional, such as a financial planner or credit counselor, to help you create a plan that works for you.

5. Not reducing non-essential spending

Cutting back on non-essential expenses is an effective way to reduce debt because it allows you to redirect the money you would have spent on those expenses toward paying off your debts. This can be especially helpful if you struggle to make minimum monthly debt payments.

To get started, it’s important to carefully examine your monthly budget to identify areas where you can make small changes that will add up over time. Some ideas for reducing non-essential expenses might include:

  1. Bringing your lunch to work instead of eating out.
  2. Canceling subscriptions that you don’t use or need.
  3. Reducing your transportation costs by driving less frequently or using public transportation instead of driving.
  4. Reducing energy costs by turning off lights and appliances when they’re not in use and using energy-efficient products.
  5. Eliminating or reducing unnecessary purchases, such as impulse purchases or purchasing items you don’t need.

By making small changes to your budget and cutting back on non-essential expenses, you can free up money that can be used to pay off your debts. This can help you get out of debt more quickly and put you on a path to financial stability.

6. Not increasing your income when possible

Increasing your income can be a helpful strategy for reducing debt because it allows you to redirect the extra money toward paying off your debts. There are several ways to increase your income, including:

  1. Asking for a raise at work: If you feel underpaid or have been with your company for a long time, it may be worth asking for a raise. Be prepared to demonstrate the value you bring to the company and the contributions you have made.
  2. Taking on additional part-time or freelance work: If you have free time outside of your regular job, you may earn extra money by taking on part-time or freelance work. This could involve working a second job, starting a business, or doing contract work for companies.
  3. Starting a side hustle: A side hustle is a part-time business or venture that you can do in addition to your full-time job. There are many side hustles, from selling products or services online to providing services in your local community.
  4. Renting out a spare room: If you have an extra room in your home, you may earn extra money by renting it out on a short-term basis, such as through a vacation rental platform.
  5. Selling items you no longer need: Decluttering your home and selling items you no longer need can help you earn extra money. This could include selling items online, at a garage sale, or through a consignment shop.

By increasing your income, you can free up extra money that can be used to pay off your debts. This can help you get out of debt more quickly and improve your financial situation.

7. Not seeking professional help

Getting professional financial assistance to eliminate debt can be a helpful option for individuals struggling to pay off their debts. Several types of financial professionals can assist with debt repayment, including:

  1. Financial planners: Financial planners can help you create a budget, set financial goals, and develop a plan to pay off your debts. They can also help you assess your financial situation and make recommendations for improving your financial health.
  2. Credit counselors are trained to help individuals manage their debts and improve their credit scores. They can advise on debt repayment strategies, negotiate with creditors on your behalf, and help you create a plan to pay off your debts.
  3. Debt settlement companies: Debt settlement companies can negotiate with your creditors to reduce the amount of money you owe. They may be able to reduce your debts by a significant amount. Still, this approach can also have negative consequences, such as damaging your credit score and possibly leading to legal action by your creditors.
  4. Bankruptcy attorneys: If bankruptcy is the best option for you, a bankruptcy attorney can help you understand your options and guide you through filing for bankruptcy.

It is important to research carefully and choose a reputable, experienced financial professional helping individuals with debt repayment. Be wary of any company or individual who promises to eliminate your debt quickly or charges high fees for their services.

8. Not considering all your options

Sometimes, bankruptcy may be the only option to get out of debt. Bankruptcy is a legal process that allows individuals or businesses to have some or all of their debts forgiven or repaid under the protection of the bankruptcy court. It’s often seen as a last resort for individuals or businesses that can’t pay their debts and have no other viable options for debt repayment.

There are several types of bankruptcy, including Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13. Each type of bankruptcy has different eligibility requirements and can have different effects on your debts, assets, and credit score.

If you’re considering bankruptcy as a way to get out of debt, it’s important to understand your options and the potential consequences of each type of bankruptcy. A bankruptcy attorney can help you understand your options and guide you through filing for bankruptcy.

To decide whether bankruptcy is the right option, you must consider your specific financial situation, the types of debts you have, and the assets you own. It may also be helpful to seek the advice of a financial professional, such as a financial planner, credit counselor, or bankruptcy lawyer, to help you understand your options and make the best decision for your circumstances.


Getting out of debt requires a combination of strategies and a strong commitment to following through on a plan. Some effective strategies for reducing debt include creating a budget, using a debt-reduction plan, keeping track of your expenses, cutting back on non-essential expenses, increasing your income, seeking professional financial assistance, and considering bankruptcy as a last resort. By implementing these strategies and staying focused on your debt repayment goals, you can progress toward getting out of debt and improving your financial situation.

8 Money Habits That Keep You Poor (Stop Self Sabotage)