7 Things I Wish I Had Known At 20

7 Things I Wish I Had Known At 20

At the age of 20, we are often filled with excitement and ambition as we embark on adulthood. But looking back, there are often things we wish we had known at that age that would have made our lives easier, happier, and more fulfilling. In this blog, we will explore seven things I wish I knew at 20 – from the importance of being kind to ourselves and learning from failure to the value of setting goals and building relationships and the power of finding my passion and pursuing it. These lessons may not have been easy to learn at the time, but they have helped shape who I am today and have given me the tools to navigate the ups and downs of life with resilience and focus.

What I wish I had focused on when I was younger

  • Being kind to myself
  • Learning from failure faster
  • Setting bigger goals and making a more aggressive plan
  • Networking and building relationships
  • Financial budgeting and more aggressive saving
  • Managing my mindset
  • Finding my passion and following it

The importance of being kind to yourself

Self-criticism and perfectionism can be detrimental to achieving success, as they often lead to feelings of insecurity, fear of failure, and a lack of motivation. This mindset can cause individuals to overcomplicate tasks or avoid taking risks out of fear of making mistakes, resulting in missed opportunities or difficulty making progress. Furthermore, it can lead to shame and guilt when shortcomings are perceived, further diminishing one’s ability to succeed. Additionally, it can create mental blocks that prevent individuals from seeing alternative solutions and make them more likely to become fixated on the idea that things must be done perfectly. To reach goals and achieve success, individuals need to recognize self-criticism and perfectionism when they arise, focus on the positive aspects of their work and accomplishments, and strive towards growth instead of seeking perfection in all areas.

Self-talk can be your greatest comfort and motivation or it can be very negative and self-destructive. Be kind and patient with yourself, your inner voice of self-talk should sound like a friend or coach not your worst enemy.

The value of learning from failure

Learning from failure is one of life’s most valuable lessons. Failure allows us to identify areas for improvement, see mistakes from a different perspective, and develop strategies for tackling similar challenges in the future. It teaches us valuable lessons about resilience and helps us stay humble when successes come our way. Additionally, it can help foster creativity and strengthen problem-solving skills as we look for alternative solutions to utilize should a similar situation arise. Cultivating an attitude of embracing setbacks instead of fearing them will make it easier to learn from failures when they occur and give us the confidence to take risks and be more open-minded toward trying new things.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or be wrong, go for it while managing risk. Your lessons from trying can make you successful in the end if you learn lessons, make corrections, and keep going.

The importance of setting goals and making a plan

Setting goals and making a plan are essential components of achieving success. Goals provide a clear direction and motivate us to take action toward reaching them. Making a plan gives us the steps necessary to accomplish our goals, allowing us to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. A good plan can also give us an idea of how long it will take to achieve our goal and any necessary resources or skills required for completion. Having a goal-oriented mindset can also help keep us focused on the task at hand and minimize distractions so that we ultimately reach our desired destination in the most efficient manner possible.

One of the most important things you can ever do is write down your goals. It’s amazing the paths your subconscious finds when it’s looking for ways to accomplish what you want. Written goals program your subconscious for what targets to pursue in life.

The power of networking and building relationships

Networking and building relationships are powerful tools for success. Making valuable connections with people in your field can lead to increased opportunities and help promote future endeavors. By getting to know other professionals, we can learn from each other’s experiences and create a network of useful contacts that can provide us with assistance or advice. It is important to develop meaningful relationships with colleagues and peers, as those are generally the ones who will be most willing to lend a helping hand when needed. When networking is done well, it can help boost our career prospects and ensure that we are always on top of emerging trends within our industry.

Building a social and professional network is an edge in life. The biggest edge you can create at college or in your career is your network of friends and colleagues that will help you get ahead.

The importance of financial budgeting and aggressive saving

Financial planning and saving are essential steps to ensure future financial stability. Creating a budget outlining your income and expenses is a great way to stay organized and know where you spend your money. Additionally, an emergency fund ensures unanticipated costs don’t derail any long-term saving plans. Setting achievable goals for your savings plan, such as contributing a certain percentage of your salary each month or meeting a specific dollar amount in the next six months, can help make sticking to the plan easier. Saving for retirement should also be part of any good financial plan. By setting aside funds regularly, you will have peace of mind knowing that you have a solid foundation of stable income after retirement.

Financial independence from a job as early as possible is the best lifestyle most people can ever experience. Find a path that allows you to make a living working on your own business, real estate holdings, investing portfolio, cash flowing assets, or trading as early as possible.

Managing your mindset

Young people often focus on achieving academic and career success. I now realize that investing in my mental well being is just as important as investing in my physical health, which greatly impacts my overall happiness and quality of life. I wish I had known the value of self-care practices like mindfulness, journaling, and meditation along with the importance of making my mental state a priority. Taking care of my mental health has made me feel better and allowed me to be more productive and successful in all areas of my life.

Your mindset determines your happiness, success, and destiny, so guard it against negativity and critics. Be careful what you believe, who you let in your life, along with the media and environment you expose yourself to.

The importance of finding your passion and pursuing it

Finding and pursuing your true passion is one of the most important things you can do in life. When you are passionate about something, you put more effort into it and enjoy it more than any other activity. Having a passion allows you to focus your energy, time, and resources on something that brings you joy and satisfaction. Not only that but identifying your purpose can help create a sense of meaning in life and give you direction for the future. Pursuing our passions can yield great rewards, such as newfound confidence, improved mental health, and enhanced creativity. Following your heart is essential for living a fulfilling life and achieving success.

Following your passions in life will create energy and drive you like nothing else. Many times people will find their wealth and health naturally in pursuit of the things they are most excited about and love.


  • I wish my self-talk was kind and motivating at 20 years old.
  • I would have taken more risks and failed or succeeded faster if I could do it again.
  • Knowing what I know now I would have tried harder at a younger age to pursue my biggest goals.
  • I would have focused more on relationships and results at a young age, not just results.
  • I would have done whatever it took for financial freedom at an even younger age.
  • I would have made managing my mindset a daily priority.
  • Making a living doing only what I love would be how I would start over at 20 years old if I could.

In conclusion, there are numerous important lessons to learn and experiences to be had as we journey through life. It’s essential to take the time to reflect on our own experiences, consider what I wish I knew when I was 20, and use this knowledge to continue making progress in your own life. As we all strive for personal growth and self-discovery, let’s remember that understanding our true passions can help motivate and guide us into a brighter future. Take a moment to identify your purpose and pursue it with conviction; you never know what wonderful rewards await down the road.

7 Things I Wish I Had Known At 20