Here are ten of the best stock traders to follow on Twitter in 2021 in my opinion. These accounts share valuable knowledge on stocks, their own trading and investing process, The universal principles they share can help anyone be a better trader. These are some of the highest value stock trading accounts I have seen on Twitter over the past decade.
Two rules that have served me well throughout the years.
1. Have high standards for stock selection.
2. If you can’t find any stocks that meet your standards, don’t trade.
Never lower your standards in marriage, business partners, friends. Winners don’t settle. Be a winner.— Stock Market Mentor, LLC (@DanFitzpatrick) June 10, 2019
Your job as a trader is to wait for the best opportunities. Money is made stalking and sitting not being active & forcing a new trade each day.
— Dan Zanger (@DanZanger) July 4, 2019
When you evolve to the point of always being patient and only taking quality trades, that means you’ve decided that you’re not in it for action, but to make money. You have “sit out power.” You never force trades. You’re a pro.
— Mark Minervini (@markminervini) March 30, 2020
Why focus on the process when the world is outcome driven? Don’t results matter?
Yes, results do matter. But if you optimize for the outcome, you win one time.
If you optimize for a process that leads to great outcomes, you can win again and again.— Linda Raschke (@LindaRaschke) October 3, 2019
Read this 50 times. Memorize it. Then duct tape it to your computer screen.
— jesse stine (@InsiderBuySS) August 4, 2015
A big mistake investors make is feeling they should always be buying/selling something. 99% of successful investing is learning, thinking, and waiting.
— Ian Cassel (@iancassel) May 12, 2020
According to #TheStrat , The market will always trade in the direction of the most 2’s, and failed 2’s going 3 changing continuity. It has to, it doesn’t have a choice. I can tell you what the market is doing with scans , no charts. Data Science.
— Rob Smith (@RobInTheBlack) January 22, 2021
Important rule in trading:
Don’t get married to a position if there are other opportunities out there with better potential ROI.
I may be passionate about a stock one day and dump the next. My job is to make money, not emotionally support the company I have a position in.
— Jake Wujastyk (@Trendspider_J) December 22, 2020
Three things I’ve noticed about good traders.
1. They’re smart with money in general.
2. They have confidence in their abilities.
3. They’re not afraid to pull the trigger.
Very few people excel at all three.
— marwoodjb (@MarwoodJB) November 7, 2018
Technical analysis is not about prediction, indeed TA has about a 50/50 outcome. What TA does offer however, is a concrete structure around which to enter positions, control risk and manage trades.
— The Chartist (@thechartist) June 12, 2019