Trading Tips on The Cryptocurrency Market

Is a Commodity Backed Cryptocurrency a Real Possibility?

This is a guest post by Deb Shaw of MarketsNow.com. Should we expect to see reliable commodity backed cryptocurrencies emerge in the future? The reality is that such cryptocurrencies would be backed by a range of different financial assets (stocks, bonds, precious metals etc.) hosted in reputable jurisdictions with fully audited financial statements. However, there

Is a Commodity Backed Cryptocurrency a Real Possibility? Read More »


A New New Trader U!

We’re excited to announce that to give our followers a better user experience, we are migrating NewTraderU.com to a new platform this week. Although we don’t expect there to be any significant interruptions in service, we ask for your patience while we roll-out these improvements. In addition to an improved blog reading experience, the new

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4 Types of Trades

4 Types of Trades

All your trades should end in one of four ways: 1. A small win: You take a profitable exit, this is usually a short term trade. 2. A big win: You let a winning trade run when you are on the right side of a trend. This is the biggest contributor to profitable trading as

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Stop loss strategies

Everyone is a Trader

So many people will quickly judge traders and investors as gamblers. In many families you can’t discuss trading openly without judgmental stares, rolling eyes, and disapproval. The general public does not understand that on a deeper level everyone is a trader in some way. We trade one thing in order to receive another thing. Not

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