Beware of Forex bucket shops that pretend to be brokers but really trade against you. Many times killing accounts with big bid/ask spreads.
If you see a ‘broker’ or trading service using attractive female photos to push some service off on traders stay away.
Trading newsletter writers that don’t even trade. They issue a lot of buy signals then cherry pick the winners to tout to the public.
Penny stock pump and dumps. If you trade stocks with almost no liquidity and that are under a penny you are going to have a bad time.
Mutual fund managers that take big management fees and under perform their benchmarks. This is a multi-billion dollar scam you may be participating in with your 401K or IRA. Benchmark ETFs can beat the majority of managed mutual funds.
Twitter traders that delete their trade entry tweets after losing trades. Their egos may be a problem. Real traders lose money on the path to making money.
Ads selling the can’t lose ‘Holy Grail’ trading system. There isn’t one.
Talking heads spewing out useless opinions on financial television.
Buy and hold equities being taught as the best investing system. This has failed for ten year periods in recent history. You need a process for locking in bull market profits.
The efficient market theory and that it is impossible to beat the market over the long term. There are too many examples that prove this wrong to take this theory seriously.