$SPX 2000. That's bearish, obviously, just like all the previous new highs were.
— Jon Boorman, CMT (@JBoorman) August 25, 2014
Show me a system that is historically 95% accurate and I’ll prep for a huge drawdown.
— David Stendahl™ (@David_Stendahl) August 28, 2014
"Need small-caps to find a bottom"
"Need financials to lead"
"But high-yield"
"Need participation from casinos"
— Irrelevant Investor (@michaelbatnick) August 26, 2014
The machines have been turned on
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 25, 2014
It's starting. $SPY under 200 in early pre-market. Ohhhh thee humaniteeee.
— △ (@mnycx) August 28, 2014
It'll probably be next year before I kick the habit of writing, then erasing199 at the beginning of every SPX and SPY trade.
— Christopher Ebert (@OptionScientist) August 27, 2014
To bad they're fighting each other. Russia & Ukraine should join forces and go fight ISIS/ ISIL.
— △ (@mnycx) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns "It's not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame" #BEARS of 2014
— David Elsley (@Elsley_David) August 29, 2014
@SJosephBurns it's a warm,fuzzy feeling 2 fold cash and put it in my wallet with simple system that even an idiot like me can do thanx steve
— vince (@rockie305) August 29, 2014
@mdaprasad @SJosephBurns that's why u need to not trade at times. Itchy fingers, the desire to always be in the markets will kill u.
— Mella (@Mella_TA) August 29, 2014
"Always discipline yourself by following a pre-determined set of rules."
- Linda Bradford Raschke
— Trading Proverbs (@tradingproverbs) August 29, 2014
@sjosephburns Excellent, though u were insufferable as a cocky bull!
— Dan (@HonavarCapital) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns #that was me before i STOPPED watching CNBC,they'll teach you to BUY high,& then scare you into selling low,JMO
— johnny angel (@johnnyangel9) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns @TraderHMS #turn off CNBC & noise,watch the tape,& you'll cut the stress of trading in 1/2,that and stay away from junky STKS
— johnny angel (@johnnyangel9) August 28, 2014
$SPY still at the same level where I sold etf Monday…like running on a treadmill…a lot of effort and energy wasted to go nowhere
— Al Sabogal (@alsabogal) August 28, 2014
Most upper levels posted from early this morning all held. Hard to get "Too bearish" when sellers can't even break momentum levels
— Scott Redler (@RedDogT3) August 28, 2014
%%%%%%%% <—-GREED/BUY
…repeat until broke
— Carl Richards (@behaviorgap) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns #Putin may have moved his Friday call buying strategy to Thursdays just to shake things up a bit
— David Elsley (@Elsley_David) August 28, 2014
I find it sometimes simpler to just focus on indexes and a handful of names.
— TakingStock614 (@takingstock614) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns no more "buy it and forget about it"….I now eye market like a hawk..to protect my gain, not to give back during downturn:)
— 2ndChance (@nyvinh71396) August 28, 2014
Sometimes news are just an excuse for the market to dip/ reset. $SPY $QQQ very extended short term. Can't go up in a straight line.
— △ (@mnycx) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns I don't have to worry about retirement accounts being down 20 -50% like 2008 crash anymore… as I can move them to cash 
— 2ndChance (@nyvinh71396) August 28, 2014
You can't have "De-escalation Friday" without "Re-escalation Thursday"
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) August 28, 2014
@SJosephBurns #FirstWorldProblems
— △ (@mnycx) August 26, 2014
There have been more than $50 billion in US-based Internet mergers and acquisitions so far this year, making it the biggest year since 2000.
— Jose Luis Urbina (@urbinarestrepo) August 27, 2014
"You shouldn't expect a big bull market to end in any rational fashion." – Colm O'Shea
— Andrew Selby (@DontTalkStocks) August 27, 2014
@SJosephBurns just wait until the #Bears and #Topcallers discover that #Low #Volume #Bull #Markets can become #High #Volume #Bull Markets
— David Elsley (@Elsley_David) August 25, 2014
$TWTR go birdie, fly to da moon.
— △ (@mnycx) August 26, 2014
Excellent Tip – It is better to specialize in trading, pick a market, pick a method and master it. @SJosephBurns
— Sameer Nagpal (@SameerNagpal28) August 26, 2014
$SPY gives back 50c (still up on the day mind you) and bears getting excited…I guess this qualifies as a win for them these days
— Al Sabogal (@alsabogal) August 25, 2014
@ChartLearning I am a high frequency tweeter. I am hooked up directly to the twitter servers and front run the best tweets.
— Steve Burns (@SJosephBurns) August 24, 2014
"People who like trading because they like gambling are always going to be terrible at it." – Colm O'Shea
— Andrew Selby (@DontTalkStocks) August 25, 2014
You don't have to aim for 500-1000%+ in Options. Use $1K as a start and do 20% for 38 trades via compounding and you're at $ 1 Million.
— △ (@mnycx) August 22, 2014
.@jfahmy @allstarcharts @michaelbatnick @jkrinskypga @ReformedBroker @iamdiddy @JeremyDSchwartz – Chick taking pic pic.twitter.com/OImbhvzAT8
— Rachel (@Sassy_SPY) August 27, 2014