Vote for your favorite Ten Trading Books Here>> and see what others are voting on.

Trading books have more meaning after traders have fought both the markets price action and their own emotions. The market is also a great place to expose all the issues we have with our own egos. With the vast amount of trading literature out there on all aspects of trading I thought it would be interesting to see what others thought were the ten most helpful books on their own trading journey. Trading books have different meanings to traders at different times in their own journeys, the book that a seasoned trader thinks is the same old rehash may bring it all together for a  new trader. A book that makes no sense to a new trader may take the experienced trader to a new level by filling in an unknown missing gap in their method.

What are your top ten picks for best trading books? You can pick ten here and click through the below link for more options and current voting results. You can also add in any picks that are missing in the poll and write comments. Let the votes begin! I hope to have enough votes and add ins to blog the top 100 ranked trading books of all time, that would be very interesting.